Friday, March 21, 2025

Screen Dump 812

You go on about hobnobbers . . . forelocked . . .
no less marginal
especially with someone's cover of
Strawberry Fields Forever
drumming at your eardrums . . .
A fortnight with multiple choice questions
sticker shock
collapsing into pasteboard invitations . . .
the weather again unsure
of what to do . . .
The unsavory coupling, yes, that too,
meeting later in dreamscapes . . .
inquisitive . . .
Drumming a little life into the countryside . . . 
Scads of to-dos . . . little matter . . .
There was a moment when you were sure
it would all come together
but it didn't . . . and you were OK with that . . .
comfortable with the unknown
en plain air . . . right down the middle
a come as you are kind of invite
especially now
with endgamers threatening tell-alls . . .

Bruno Dayan

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Screen Dump 811

Where does your property begin again? . . .
At the spring? . . .
With the barn and its many matrices? . . .
Afternoons with straw figures
cavorting in delightful emptiness
in a surreal haven
with the usual obtuse blanket . . .
Inasmuch as differences
clip the wings of understanding for some
you are welcome to settle in . . .
Tea? . . . a book, perhaps? . . .
Feel free to chill
before the requisite summing-up
propels messengers of redaction
back out onto the backroads of many . . .

Antonio Palmerini

Monday, March 10, 2025

Screen Dump 810

You're binging a miniseries about reincarnates
trapped in the blunt pretense of chance
not unlike those you've encountered
on your daily walk along the canal . . .
Connoisseurs of oblivion are having at it
in brittle best sellers . . . patched together
with mesmerizing amplification . . .
The soundtrack to The Brutalist, yes? . . .
I know it's on your list . . .
You awoke to a bath in the middle of the night
which put to rest your restless legs
and opened a door to an urge
to sit for a portait by the medievalist
who hawks indulgences in the virtual piazza
two towns over . . .

Antonio Palmerini

Friday, March 7, 2025

Screen Dump 809

The future catwalks an ultramarine puffer jacket . . .
Fast forward to destabilization
adjusting the required rhymes apart from the action . . .
You have immersed yourself in totemism . . .
Copies of postproduction notes
have been distributed to those on the brink . . .
So it's back to the basics, I suppose . . .
In no time, ashes . . . at the wellhead of a dream . . .
You don't want to call, trust me . . .
Confiding to a few intimates
will stem the tide of what, I'm not sure anymore . . .
Once captivating, now drudgery . . .
There are far too many shifts in this faux drama
meandering across the busy boulevard
spotted with coding samples from the latest release . . .
Take the funny and run, yes? . . .

Laura Zalenga

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Screen Dump 808

So Double-Double-Toil-and-Stubble
takes the stage to assure the Academy
that he won't be egregious
acknowledging with record-setting windbaggery
that it can all go away . . .
His chewing gum thrown into a bath
of lemon and eucalyptus catalysts
begs a raging crisp outlined situation room . . .
uprooting doomed lovers
slumpingly caressing each scene
at the ruins of Ramesses II . . .
The red carpet frayed . . .
Acceptance speeches vaporized . . .
You too seem unsure of your lines
which regrettably is not all that uncommon
in these days of AI scripting
with writers and editors and influencers
tripping over one another
to comply with those signing their per diems . . .

Ramesses II

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Screen Dump 807

You spent the morning scrubbing histories
of suburban notifications which seemed to have popped up
overnight in network logs . . .
AI spillage and then again what was it? . . .
You could have queried the odysseyites
who were eager to feather their maps with minutiae
spellbinding summit seekers . . .
You unfriended a chat by recounting the experience
of closing various gaps awash with celebratory shifts
to the astonishment of those in the antechamber
queuing up for the virtual red carpet . . .

Ellen von Unwerth

Monday, March 3, 2025

Screen Dump 806

Despite the after-hours rehearsals
there was never an overnight
just a quick wherewithal
and you were out . . . and about . . .
The flesh overrated, yes? . . .
And with that a different costume
supporting an expression of calm . . .
Surreal of calm, perhaps? . . .
No hint of disbelief . . . nope . . .
good, I suppose if you're determined
to argue a rewrite . . .
At least that's what was intimated . . .

Ellen von Unwerth

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Screen Dump 805

And now they've returned to their respective lives . . .
The dry brush technique may save the canvas
and open a door to a more genial interpretation of events . . .
Over and over again, the enchantment
brought everyone together . . .
You worry the bluntness of your new bob
but those arguments are insinuations
foreshadowing a sequence of ups and downs . . .
And what about the yellow tux? . . .
Such a shame to have jettisoned the BLT . . .
Was it part of your weight-loss mantra? . . .
I think your proportions marvel exactitude
of whatever was implied by that intrusive handle . . .
Forewarned, you stopped just short
of the nomenclature waiting in the siding
for the perplexed locomotive
to accept the consolation prize . . .
Take it, yes, take it . . .
Now you're back in front of the class
with your trigonometric underpinnings
which have a history of wowing counterinsurgents
on leave in the high peaks
managing silence with admirable refrain . . .
Yet another cardboard castle nestled in the wood . . .

Ellen von Unwerth

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Screen Dump 804

Excerpting obituaries might yield a clue
to the ornamentation favored by those
who think they're in the know . . .
The dry illumination will not help
despite what you've heard . . .
Sadly, they are no wiser for it . . .
You want to cut short the conversation? . . .
That could compromise the data
you've agreed to share . . . but I suppose
that happens more than we'd like to admit . . .
Falling as it does into the infinitesimal hole
in our consciousness, to plummet headlong
into the twenty-thousand leagues of notes . . .
A Captain Nemo type was found floating along
in an alphabetical undercurrent . . .
This has to be yet another wake-up call . . .

Hannes Caspar

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Screen Dump 803

The fray resumes the fray
inundated with submissions for redactions . . .
It reminds you of everything
as if honing in on DNA
will unveil yet another double helix
in your backstory . . . 
At the feeders, black-capped chickadees,
whited-out, remain untroubled . . .
Autodidacts pay homage to autofictions
slanted autofictions
redacted autofictions
dripping in time to the musical notes
of someone else's autofiction . . .
The wizard . . . the wonderful wizard
spurns happenstance with remorse . . .
his almost comic anti-otherness
from the burnished depths
of his life as an accomplice
unfolds with complicity . . .
Missing persons clutter mental walk-ups
trying to insinuate themselves back
into your one wild and precious life
while Them-That-Got agree to convene
a solution . . . but there is no solution . . .

Noa Bachner

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

So I dumped my screen dumps into ChatGPT & got this reDump:

Worrying the linearity of it all . . .
Yet why embellish, twist the truth? . . .
Alright, so we’re all in on the trickery
of collapsing the distance between screen and self,
where nothing is truly as it seems -
as declared by those observing from the shadows . . .
the frozen breath of autumn clinging to the world . . .
But this puddle of prose still makes its way, yes? . . .
You see it, I see it, we all see it . . .
The fox moves easily through the frost
its coat, sleek and well-suited for winter’s bite . . .
Yet your voice, though layered, is fragile
tending to crack . . . much like Proust
dreaming of madeleine crumbs on the edge of memory . . .
Perhaps a subtlety hidden deep within
the algorithms of the next app update
or perhaps it’s the recurring rhythm of something else -
a subway car grinding through the quiet tunnels
hauling your restless thoughts from stop to stop . . .
Naturally, it’s all about perspective -
the point of view shifting like Joyce’s stream of consciousness
where words drift, ready to withdraw their invitation . . .


Friday, February 7, 2025

Screen Dump 802

Troubling yourself over the chronology of events . . .
But why the embellishments? . . .
OK, so the use of fourth-wall-pulverizing techniques
currently in vogue . . . bare bones judged idiomatically,
as announced, by the watchers at the gate . . .
the mortuary silence of winter . . .
But this cesspool of a script squeezed through, yes? . . .
You know it . . . we all know it . . .
Deer don't seem to mind the snow much
since their hair is hollow and a very good insulator . . .
But your words, camouflaged, are spindly . . .
prone to slippage . . . not unlike Mallarmé
holding a cigar in his hand
for Manet's portrait of him . . . 
Doubtless, a subtlety in Microsoft's latest release
with the clickety-clack on the trestle
of the train with its nightmarish boxcars . . .
Of course, the focalization or fragmentation
in Woolf's To the Lighthouse . . . words bobbing along
eager to terminate your membership . . .

Antonio Palmerini

Friday, January 31, 2025

 Screen Dump 532

(reposted from Thursday, November 26, 2020)

In watermelon sugar the deeds were done and done again
as my life is done in watermelon sugar.
          - Richard Brautigan

The iterations in needle towers lining the streets
trouble redundancy with their button-downess
and lucrative curbs . . . You sought monasticism
and safety and time off . . . eschewing the chatter
of masked players mired in the foibles
of middle and end games . . . escorting regret
at a moment's notice . . . Shocking, yes? . . .
the mess of moves that arrived with the pizza . . .
a meals-on-wheels sort of gig . . .
about to hold forth when your bishop pinned my queen
in watermelon sugar . . . and that was that . . .
We could consult the tale of the tape, I suppose . . .

Queen's Gambit Anya Taylor-Joy

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Screen Dump 801

As if traversing Wordle's words
on a walking pad
through a supermarket's aisles of innuendoes
all life long . . . all life long . . .
An ancient pipe organ with meantone tuning
all stops pulled
encrypted with comforter
and mug of Kuchika tea . . .
a passing fancy seeps into the day
drifting into the free-floating white . . .
The fray awaits your arrival . . .
The Late Middle Ages? . . .
The revamp? . . .
Why now? . . .
The shakedown . . . a faded fiction . . . explanatory . . .
The opening scene . . . muted, yes? . . .
The Director's cut . . . a fashionista's foreplay . . .
with outtakes no less
to make do with the trancelike snow . . .
Indeed, the polyphony suits . . .

Kali Malone

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Screen Dump 800

The day seethes with algorithms . . .
ifs ands buts
its own talk-talk about all this . . .
the coding reprehensible
the need to fill in the blanks
with how-tos surfacing then receding
pulsating with an indifference
as if grasping at the straws of forgiveness . . .
It's not so much the illusion of indiscretions
colored for the moment
but something else, something ill-conceived . . .
Not the first time, yes? . . .
No, not the first time . . .
Dismayed by the lines
yet afraid of getting caught . . .
Getting caught? . . .
Yes, getting caught in a lie . . .
Not sold on that idea, at least for now . . .
Blaming yourself . . . hating yourself
you begin thinking
there must be a better way
mired as you are in autofiction . . .
Think about the medieval craftsmen
whose meticulousness is evident
even in the most hidden places of church pews . . .

Scarlet Rivera

Monday, December 16, 2024

Screen Dump 799

You doubled in spiked heels with a wooden
Louisville Slugger followed by a double header
for oglers-in-training . . . the gearbox
of your Suzuki mimicking the Uggs
you carried in your backpack
for occasional rock-a-days
shredding dirt bikes under the Passaic Falls
as bewildered as pointers in a perfumery
their words baseball trading cards
holding tickets to a Saturday Creature Double Feature
rarely searching for lost time 
as memorialized by a closeted deadhead
scalping instructions for Around the World with a Yo-yo . . .
The passing of notes in your cube
trialed the lifespan of Bics, scribbling spam
for residents of Williams's Ghost Town
awestruck by the pediatrician's It's all in the ear . . .
You journeyed elsewhere with a Moleskine notebook
capturing comments from the fringe . . .
your never-ending tour rivaling Rimbaud's Illuminations . . .
There were moments when it seemed to all come together
but those were dreamscapes from a Five & Dime
that shipped closeouts to dugouts
when security was busy resetting cameras
while superimposing fairytale footage for power trippers . . .
It turned out to be the luck of the draw . . .

Eva Tokarchuk

Sunday, December 15, 2024

Screen Dump 798

Your medieval wall hangings talk the talk
for fact-checkers . . . opportunists
firing up fire pits . . . preachy-like . . .
If it comes off . . . and well, I mean,
when was the last time that dropped? . . . 
not unlike the whiteout
that made driving crazy
for tagalongs from other times, other worlds . . .
You found magic in the lower forty
asking directions
which prompted questions
from passersby rubbernecking in disbelief . . .

Eva Tokarchuk

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Screen Dump 797

Your irresponsibility was sharp and gorgeous
with inconspicuous chords
that stayed the complexity of the moment
which you mentioned looked you in the eye
before settling elsewhere . . .
Quite fascinating, yes? . . .
This moment caught on tape
in the land of painful blisses . . .
Bricks will merge with sand
leaving others sipping tea
while scrolling through terms of endearment
for oohs and aahs . . .
It seems all the same . . .
these striped ventures loaded with guilty pleasures
seducing implants with aromatic codes
written late at night by amanuenses on leave . . .

Antonio Palmerini

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Screen Dump 796

You're removing persons of interest
from the two-way mirror in your room . . .
The decision is pretense . . .
Several will chime in with ghost bubbles . . .
The bath works wonders
but please be careful not to overdo it
especially when the plug is pulled . . .
Your smartphone has gone radio silent
while interrogators make their way
along the Street of Crocodiles
with other reconfigured short stories
eager to disappoint . . .
The disinterest unsettles . . .
An iceburg moment, no doubt,
trying to savor the latest vintage
with concomitant misspellings . . .

Eugenio Recuenco

Monday, December 9, 2024

Screen Dump 795

You invent words in a secret garden
where you can walk and talk to yourself
without your mobile . . .
You owe it to others to approach exultation . . .
Can you lose the punctuation?  . . .
Can you ever be alone? . . .
Open mics replace your words
to begin the game of on-and-on . . .
Your hair will commence momentarily . . .
this and that . . . this and that . . .

Laura Zalenga

Thursday, December 5, 2024

Screen Dump 794

You're talking rinky-dink geometries
for future listeners of Symphony No. 7
in A major . . . Allegretto . . .
endless drive-throughs of muted thoughts
while shuffling pages for reenactors . . . 
jotting embellishments
which one can only hope will carry the theme
to the next apotheosis in the score . . .
Cutting the deck proves nothing . . .
the cards jumping through the hoops of b-ball
for insomniacs boggling smartphone screens
rhapsodically nightmarish . . .
You want to believe in running the changes
laid out in microtones
as if auditionees crowding the wings for a chance
to enter a reminiscence will be given the go-ahead . . .

Monika Ekiert Jezusek

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Screen Dump 793 

You would think not wouldn’t you? . . .
especially in those moments
when you're imagining a quartet of abstractions
posing as the four seasons
on the Outer Banks
while in this big rig
you are being strip-searched
by a string of tangled marionettes
who couldn't care less
about your precious autofictions . . .
Time bends, yes? . . .
The smooth sailing before the plug is pulled
the plagiarized love notes
from odysseyites en route to the Gates  of Hell . . .
The voiceovers persist . . .
a discordant feed to the  rehearsal  
when you're hit with that same old same old . . . 

Antonio Palmerini

Monday, November 25, 2024

Screen Dump 792

You're trying too hard to make do with whatever
was brought to bear on the latest makeshift . . .
Of course this will go down and then it won't . . .
comparison shopping breeds confusion . . .
you've seen evasions rippling through
as the shoals of vexation mutate into a muddled equation . . .
Impressionable temporaries, yes? . . .
with moments of grammar drilling down
and then the main attraction appears as if . . .

Antonio Palmerini


Sunday, November 24, 2024

Screen Dump 791

Your halter top loosens for a motorcycle working
through the gears of epistemology
as if the nothing in the epic is worth mulling over . . .
Generations of mimes have done this
for outpatients who in sultry moments
defer to traffic signals coded to lie . . .
AI for all, yes? . . .
Yeats appears in a side street black Subaru
to advance yardage as specced in the last episode . . .
perhaps the last episode as we wander
across the mind's moors singlehandedly
expecting closure . . . but noone will be there . . .
Can you imagine the anticipation
at this time of year when all by default are bemoaning? . . .
Forget it, the creek has embraced a perpetual shudder . . .
The facades with their onomatopoeias
capturing moments on the fly as is so often the wish . . .
Understanding will arrive in a Cybertruck
as you remove your Uggs
to enter a marsh in search of the assignment . . .
Yes, you're hoping an enhancement . . .
And if it doesn't, you will still be able to scroll . . .

Antonio Palmerini

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Screen Dump 790

Your dream in a dream, shifting down, recalibrating . . .
the shoulders seductive
their angularities mesmeric . . .
Vendors arrive, and fishmongers . . .
Wine glasses mingle . . .
Bangles promise other worlds . . .
And now you're crossing the street,
and she's asking . . . something? . . .
Sit down on this bench, please, take a break, rewind the tape . . .
Meanwhile, in the park, The Life of Pi . . .

Antonio Palmerini

Sunday, November 10, 2024

Screen Dump 789

Artifactuals like cluster fly innuendos . . .
suitcases left open . . .
Never again, yes? . . .
You are adamant about hyperbolic clickbait
stretching late night moments
into roundabouts
with red double-decker buses
checking overdue promises that once held . . .
And only now you worry the elements? . . .
First paint a cage with an open door . . .
Your books fester
raking words for combinations of letters . . .
The UPS truck will see you now . . .

Antonio Palmerini

Friday, November 1, 2024

Screen Dump 788

You ignore repetitions . . . fractals . . .
an infinity of repeats
and squeeze into a backbend . . .
departures circling in a rattletrap
as if and only if the unloved
forgotten . . . momentarily . . .
surge to forgiveness . . .
How many times will the times beckon
intimating disposable
without really thinking it through . . .
not unlike Wittgenstein's
If a lion could speak . . .
The probabilities at the table
in the windowless room
plastered with Vermeers
sometimes go viral
when bad stuff happens
and people want to confirm their confusion
or mystify their position . . .
Too precious . . .
Choose small in big
and with that the elements of chance . . .
Of course, you may lust . . . out of desperation . . .
watching sculls turn the stake
in an oil by Eakins . . . and You Are There
with Walter . . . Sunday evenings
at seven . . . always . . .

Wanda Choate

Saturday, October 26, 2024

Screen Dump 787

The backstory jumped bail, leaving you
with fragments and a breakout hit in a car chase . . .
Cosplaying . . . again? . . .
What do you mean you're not sure? . . .
You know, I'm not sure, so I'm waffling . . .
This is important . . . the lines
as elements of style that blunder along . . .
There were quite a few . . . and, yes,
it was edgy which made it exciting
but the blowback had to be reconciled
with whomever was involved . . .
or maybe not, I don't know . . .
You mean the party of the first part? . . .
Then, everyone was left with jottings
for memoirs, I suppose, following
what Paley calls the open destiny of life . . .
The endgame . . . the warning track . . .
and you're about to hit the wall . . .
Having a plot fenced you in, OK? . . .
keyboardiing your experiences . . . or
assumptions . . . or allegations on your laptop? . . .
Indeed, you're not sure . . .
Maybe retracing your steps with a refurbished script . . .
new words . . . different words . . . that sort of thing . . .

Camille Claudel by August Rodin

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Screen Dump 786

Take for instance the still lifes
that stammer choices in cafés . . .
the still lifes that could be amped-up
with nothing more than a toggle . . .
The dealer has just cleared her hands
for the eye in the sky
while the pit boss pilots his skiff
toward the Burning Man . . .
You're thumbing options . . .
transcribing the title
of your final Golden Book . . .
a Seussian mix of alleged allegory:
Oh, the Places You've Been . . .
Encryption is key
with Beckett's maybe
as failsafe, yes? . . .
Without the venue it could flop
not that that would rewrite
the chorale but if you're placing
your bet on cacophony you'll appreciate
the metronomic meaning qua meaning . . .

Hendrik Kerstens

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Screen Dump 785

You're obsessing over exuberance
Pinion gearing on a gravel trail
while a bobcat
(AKA red lynx)
they are and always will be wild animals

lies in wait . . . ready to pounce
around the bend in the river . . .
with Huck's fifteen minutes in Chapter 16 . . .
paddling a canoe
leaving Jim the runaway slave on a raft . . .

Huck is planning to turn Jim in:
Right then along comes a skiff
with two men in it with guns,
and they stopped, and I stopped . . .
One of them says:

What's that yonder?
A piece of raft, sir.
You belong on it? 
Yes, sir.
Any men on it?

Only one, sir . . .
Is your man white . . . or black? 
He's white . . .
and someone's looking out the window
at Albany . . . across the Hudson

as the train pulls out of the station
for the Guggenheim's posthumous exhibit
of On Kawara's Silence . . .
and Dylan's Queen Jane Approximately
is bailing you out:

That you're tired of yourself
and all of your creations . . .
and this artichoke farmer
debunks Ashbery unsuccessfully . . .
Do not forget the Summer of Love

when Princess Summerfall Winterspring
grew the balls
to confront Phineas T. Bluster
about his untoward gestures
that back in the black and white day

was tossed in a circular file . . .
Someone's voice catches on the sound stage
and The Man With A Thousand Faces
appears at the organ in the bowels
of Paris's Palais Garnier Opera House

with Christine awakening to a music box's comb:
I remember there was mist
Swirling mist upon a vast glassy lake
There were candles all around, and on the lake there was a boat
And in the boat there was a man.

But now you're bottlenecked in the queue
for the computer at the library
with this CEO person gesturing to this IT person
and you know you've been drafted
into a focus group with

all the clowns you have commissioned
having died in battle or in vain
to rewrite the opening scene
to The Turin Horse
because Sea Shepherd lost the battle

against the whale hunters . . .
with Facebook friends defusing the shiftiness
seeping into your daily bowl of organic oatmeal
affixing itself to that rare elegant lapse
in a small gallery on the third floor

where long-limbed bronzes
crowding the poorly-lit hallways
have pulled it off . . . echoing Dylan's
and you're sick of all this repetition . . .
Won't you come see me, Queen Jane? . . .

Scarlet Rivera

Monday, October 7, 2024

Screen Dump 784

The self forms at the edge of desire.
          - Anne Carson, Eros the Bittersweet

Days and nights . . . days and nights
encounters in off hours
with translators of Ancient Greek
you and sleep parting ways
your self-portrait mirrored in a convex mirror . . .
blindfolded, yet? . . .
I mean, of course, until . . . on the horizon . . .
palms up . . . weighing the air . . .
anticipating departure . . .
You sometimes worry in the middle of it
how they're faring . . .
referencing Tolstoy on kindness
a segue to a conversation about why . . .
Forget that . . .
You want to haze transformations (OK, I get it!)
too excited too much too late . . .
it seems to click in so nicely
you want to take this poem on vacation, yes? . . .

Antonio Palmerini

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Screen Dump 783

Disparate marks quotes letters numbers . . .
indifference spilling over onto the floor
and you're telling me about
the day's little tragedies . . .
the interiority enlarged
squashing decouplings of moments
that were chosen to color the room
where someone is doing laps
in a claw-footed tub . . .
On the far hill two castles . . .
You're answering texts with your voice
carrying the irrelevancy in your canvas backpack . . .
You worried pleather then opted for cerulian
which has nothing to do with the overdue landscape . . .
It's OK, yes? . . . hoping not to disrupt
the train of thought
chuffing toward derailment . . .
Circus wagons will be cleared in no time . . .
Think puppets . . . that always seems to work . . .
Am I wrong? . . .
Regardless, the late summer morning is happily
urging voices to sample the mélange . . .
Soon, streets will be overrun with tourists . . .
Again, a near miss . . .

Fabio Chizzola

Monday, September 23, 2024

Screen Dump 782

Mind-boggling show and tells
puppy-like on makeshift silent-screen backlots
sometimes among headstones
to make the most of rubbings . . .
The sacred geometry of chance . . .
Then elapsation . . . and you're elsewhere
jabbering for roles
that highlight your good-to-the-last-drop selfies . . .
If only the timer . . .
Photoshopped, perhaps? . . .
But that's not the shape of your heart, yes? . . .
On this stage what matters is no longer a matter . . .
up and out with tail no longer bushy . . .
Here a necromancer to choreograph
a dance with realignment
and proprioception for flagging élans vital . . .

Antonio Palmerini

Friday, September 13, 2024

Screen Dump 781

You're three-quarters in, more like four-fifths . . .
the fit and finish
of many years of off-and-on attempts
at involvement, at engagement . . .
The files in your folder labeled fodder . . .
encryption, hybridity, binaries . . .
Think devolution . . . if you want to spiral . . .
and please don't bring up the failed-essay deal
as if you default aspire to fragmentation . . .
If only counters zeroed-out
maybe you wouldn't . . .
Wouldn't what? . . .
There will be no retrospection today . . .
or tomorrow . . .
That was then, yes? . . .
Try the trip-wire
re-creating or recreating the page
with clips from a different genre . . .
Which is? . . .
You know, prose poems mimicking oral storytelling . . .
Yes, and so begins the mismatch:
a minute ago you were 25 . . .
and now? . . .
I suppose preponderance . . .
That makes no sense . . .
And here comes Stanislavski's An Actor Prepares . . .
That neither . . .
OK, how about to the manner born
with yourself inside yourself . . .
filling notebooks
using the Leonardo Encryption App
day in day out . . .

Antonio Palmerini

Monday, September 9, 2024

Screen Dump 780

A discomfort has crept into the scene . . .
OK, but what's going to happen will happen, yes? . . .
Tell me, have you packed a picnic lunch? . . .
We hold our breaths as companions of the dying
and zoom in to color-code innuendoes
tabled from past table-reads . . .
There was a beginning
something bespoked as is so often the case
in this word-flurried world
with dwellings conjured from sand . . .
You're about to reserve your spot in the moment
which will proceed as these moments typically do
approaching a fork . . . and then? . . .

Leila Forés

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Screen Dump 183

(reposted from Saturday, February 14, 2015)

. . . the absolute inanity of calling anything a fictional essay.
          - Anne Carson

You talk at length with Keats . . .
You ask about his words which you want to believe
were written in rooms with high ceilings . . .
You ask him to look at what you're working on . . .
He says he will . . . but then runs out of time . . .
There is no way back . . .
You worry the final exam . . .
Later you are able to define infidelity to your satisfaction . . .
though it isn't . . .
Strange how quickly the principled departs
and leaves you in the middle of a busy intersection . . .
sans lines . . .
Have you forgotten to call the plumber about the leaky faucet? . . .
I thought so . . .
The voice of God sounds human, yes? . . .
It's nothing . . . just the reluctance to admit the fool . . .
And your obsessions? . . . Are they reality? . . .
Shouldn't they be? . . .
If the problem is systemic . . .
Yes! Yes! I know . . .
But then when was the line actually crossed? . . .
You mean crossed so that we both knew? . . .
Your words float downstream . . . farther and farther . . .

Sarah Moon

Sunday, August 25, 2024

A wonderful poem by my daughter, Tara:

Poem on the Bus

In my reverie
could there ever be strife?
Maybe that's like assuming
one would never have a bad day
How accustomed we are
masking our feelings
The answer to questions
fueled by judgment
When in reality
make things palpable

Monday, August 19, 2024


You're trying to nail down the left hand
of Rachmaninoff’s no. 3 in D minor
Nearly impossible to play!
eyes wide open in a room with the lights out
eigengrau . . . a grayness
not the same as practicing études in conservatory
blindfolded with the lights on . . .
Sergei himself here in the darkness
the King of Span
his gigantic paw stretching
the interval of a 13th on the keyboard
chuckling as you struggle to hold your posture
knowing a cramp is on its way . . .
you looking away . . .
glissando-ing like a caged animal
until the wooden hammers
blanketed in compressed felt -
the tuner's pin controlling their hardness
softening the tone -
acquiesce . . . releasing you into the world of light . . .

Friday, August 16, 2024

Screen Dump 779

Isn’t it time to resume the obligatory? . . .
Can you imagine? . . .
Not unlike the postmodern foisted upon minions
when no one was looking
and the brownout was force-fed . . .
And just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water, yes? . . .
Is it safe? quoth Sir Laurence . . . to the Marathon Man . . .
Low-lying clouds should be forgiven . . .
They know not . . . As for you? . . .
The same is not true . . . You knew . . . around the block
and then some . . .

Wendy Bevan

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Screen Dump 778

A one-size-fits-all transcription of experience
and your mind's ear takes a break today at Mickey D's -
generic, anti-confessional, without
the clawing happenstance of a Johnny Depp lookalike
backstroking in a sea of Elmer's Glue . . .
You continue to get antsy over dead zones . . .
Who doesn't? . . . but do we need two of anything? . . .
Attention-deficit mavens and their obsession
with the gap between fit and finish
transforming stage directions into librettos
puts one in the mood for a slice of pizza
with the works . . . from Baldy's on Cork Hill –
a stopgap for fortune tellers and fortune hunters . . .
If at any point you feel small, you should . . .

Wendy Bevan

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Screen Dump 777

This poem is a game of scrabble . . . a game of babble
a game of mirrored sunglasses reflecting
a box of colored pencils . . . as you
thumb through Augusten Burroughs's Dry
inviting a tangle of lines leading to a fun house
in the middle of a re-enactment . . . as if
parallel parking a shopping cart were sufficient . . .
Again you argue the clock
with thoughts of a drybrush masterpiece
by Andrew Wyeth . . . at the Fenimore Museum . . .
Everyone deserves a break today . . .
Why today? . . . Why today the blue vacuum with dry load
applied to a dry support
from your days revitalizing sober living apartments? . . .

Wendy Bevan

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Screen Dump 776

You seem to enjoy the almostness of your borderline personality
carrying on about the leaks in emptiness
that accompany Bruegger's Everything Bagels
and the duffel bags . . . of risky narcissists
adorned with fidgety flight tags
from the Bucket's 100 Places to Visit Before Passing . . .
Stay the merriment became your duly-noted mantra
even after your breaths exceeded the numbers
and you hop-scotched with bouquets of trillium
that happened by on their way
to yet another ho-hum commercial break
that . . . despite the menagerie . . . always made you chuckle . . .
especially when Facebook friends pointed to lapses in serving styles . . .
And you do believe yourself, yes?

Wendy Bevan

Monday, August 12, 2024

Screen Dump 775

Postcards from the corner office offer tips
on managing the parts of life that make no sense:
seductive five-star creamsicles
soundtracked by melodic lines nursing
pentatonic and catatonic scales . . .
You pride yourself on inscrutable self-scrutiny
the examined life . . . and all that
as if parroting fan-fiction of the Canon
through closed lips
makes dumbing down the default . . .
So why the obsession with spoon-fed fork-tonguers? . . .
The files . . . sight-read
have been sealed . . . and now
your raised hand is being co-dependently ignored . . .

Wendy Bevan

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Screen Dump 774

You're charged with toggling the laugh track
while waiting in the checkout line
at the supermarket . . .
The manager is a clown suit . . .
A clown suit is a root canal sans Novocain . . .
A clown suit is a box lunch . . .
An after-the-fact afterthought . . .
Your flight is taxiing
and now the ticket person in a clown suit
is telling you you're in the wrong line
but there's a million dollar smile
on a million dollar baby
in a million dollar condo
with a million dollar (fill in the blank) _____

Wendy Bevan

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Screen Dump 773

The subject has become the object . . .
It happens whenever you click Search . . . igniting associations . . .
The tendency to remain open
while people hover . . . submitting requests . . .
Are you ready to give it up? . . . to give in? . . .
Let's hope not . . . at least not until
your fingers are ready and the score is on the stands . . .
Opening statements, please . . .
What if we were to record every other word? . . .
Would nonsense reign? . . .
Would it become the New Now? . . .
You were late . . . with revisions . . . only
to be called out . . . to be called out . . . for redundancy . . .

Antonio Palmerini

Friday, August 9, 2024

Screen Dump 772

You count out change from a shiny metal change counter
attached to your belt with Velcro . . .
You score a merit badge for the likes of this . . .
Isn’t this romantic? . . .
An aging-out squeezebox expands and contracts
to the gesticulations of bystanders . . .
It’s a day away from eBay . . .
Forging ahead nonetheless
with less than Clayton Moore and Jay Silverheels
you wait tables in reruns
buttdialing Ubers for Q&As
while running changes with after-hour noodlers . . .
A good misstep
as innocuous as an up-close-and-personal . . .

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Screen Dump 771

Escaping through the cracks in your argument
following bread crumbs to the Temple of Incidentals
restless long legs
parody of a back-flap biography
you fret over brands of black pepper
focus on the container . . .
Stepping out onto the deck with eggs over easy, yes? . . .
And coffee? . . .
The seemingly insignificant? . . .
There's nothing wrong with invisibility
and lemon juice . . . held up to a light bulb
selecting from menu options
making do . . . treading water . . .
Come prepared to defend your thesis . . .

Antonio Palmerini

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Screen Dump 770

The theatrics begin . . . with words up . . . words down
rehearsals . . . do not pass Go . . .
You know how it is
with everyone talking . . . at the same time . . .
It's tough to follow the storyline
if there is a storyline
but then some stories are better without a storyline . . .
Just let the events unfold
in your pocket . . . I don't care
little matter where . . .
Whatever's convenient for you
I'm trying to wrap my head around something
that will get me through the next few hours
or the next few minutes . . .

Antonio Palmerini

Monday, August 5, 2024

Screen Dump 769

Nights of reruns with brief, lost faces
feed the illusion of prediction
as if a magician's assistant living out of a suitcase
were cut in half . . .
location . . . location . . . location . . .
You as stopgap at the supermarket
comparing tongues with other sous chefs
squeezing into line for a virtual rollerama
of one-upmanship . . .
sampling tidbits for a breakout special
enjambed with abandon
awaiting a redo of the Breakfast of Champions . . .
The resident Kerouacian behind the deli counter
types a cemetery
on a roll of butcher paper . . .
a makeover for aspirants outside the walls
carries you through a thicket of unknowns
with one-way tickets to elsewhere . . .

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Screen Dump 768

You have a reputation for down time
for rearranging players and their parts . . .
It's all there . . . in your notebooks . . . on your (un)zip drive . . .
It has become your mantra . . .
Incomplete sentences . . . written with crayons
follow in your wake . . .
The manner in which they carry themselves
and the questions . . . left unanswered . . .
Trying to construct reality with Legos, yes? . . .
You and your erotic other captured on tape
with sticky wickets . . .
I never believed in falling prey to pews
but then again . . . and again . . .
Something is sure to befall one-nighters . . .

Kate Barry