Monday, May 31, 2021

 Happy Birthday Walt . . .

A lonely 36-year-old closeted homosexual from a family of misfits, a printer, an editor, a sometimes teacher who hates teaching, loves opera, oratory, the streets, the rivers, bohemianism, reads widely but indiscriminately, an inveterate scribbler, note-taker, self-promoter, huge ego, reinvents himself in a poem, becomes the poem, concussively confident, gutsy, enthusiastically high on life, a Kosmos, embracing everyone and everything, celebrating everyone and everything, inventing a distinctly new art showcasing a presumptive “I” and an  assumptive “you,” unshackling the line, the rhyme, the rhythm; its utter wildness changing the course of world literature; embodying the ideals, attributes, subjects, and speech of his native land, America; foreshadowing Allen Ginsberg’s century-later pronouncement of spontaneous and fearless first thought best thought: his 1855 first edition of Leaves of Grass is far and away the best of all nine; later versions suffer bloat, hamstrung by self-indulgence and overwork; how he did what he did as mysterious as how Shakespeare did what he did; as rivetingly inexplicable as what his contemporary and fellow literary revolutionary Emily Dickinson did; Leaves flips poetry on its head, turns it upside-down, becomes the Holy Grail before which other poets prostrate themselves. (Click here for copy of Poesy Cafe report)

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Screen Dump 566

Have you bitten off more than you can chew? . . .
Not that you would return to the fine print of the Return Policy
or Photoshop the graduation photos . . .
Which reminds me . . . aren't you going to be late
for the cap and gown? . . .
The well-wishers with their well wishes and all that . . .
Talk about a full plate why don't you? . . .
Back at the showroom someone is running numbers . . .
Who authorized that? . . .
I'm not one to consult about grammar's gray areas but I have to ask
about the proposed colorways . . .

The Zero Theorem (2013)

Friday, May 14, 2021

Screen Dump 565

Your red hair speaks to the Pythagorean notions
of immortality and reincarnation . . . transporting
the fork lifter to a world waiting for
a not-so-hidden table-read
as if dog-walkers claimed hair extensions
in a sultry salon overseen by a Rod Serling lookalike . . .
Weighing the pros and cons and then some
the arrangement of bronzes so as not to provoke
remorseful buyers at checkout . . .
The neighborhood is good to go . . .
You encourage misstatements
and continue to worry bandwidth and board games . . .

Natalie Westling

Thursday, May 13, 2021

Screen Dump 564

Your pretend pudding has long cooled
but hey there's an abundance of what's needed
and isn't that what it's always been about? . . .
I mean we could summon the imaginings . . .
Use a granny gear, I suppose . . .
Are they in place . . . as you had suggested? . . .
I hope so . . . This time tomorrow will not be enough
for an overhaul as predicated by the slots . . .
You have been admirable on countless occasions
opening doors to happy landscapes
applying house paint with a wide horsehair brush
feathering the breaks to blush them . . .
Yes, I think this will work . . .

ChloĆ« Sevigny

Monday, May 10, 2021

Screen Dump 563

To Whom It May Concern sparks suicidal gestures
as if writing code for mental health players . . .
The scene begins with koi breaking the skin of a pond . . . 
You plug gaps in dreams with dissonance
compose drops with sounds . . . not symbols of sounds . . .
the common denominator I saw him/her
a dead end confusing your understanding of place . . .
the place you want to escape to
with Laurie Spiegel's nine-minute Sediments
recorded in the '70s on an analog synthesizer . . .
It speaks to dystopians and soundtracks
the Cornucopia scene in The Hunger Games . . .
otoacoustic emissions spilling over . . .
How do you propose to mark the memory gaps
that seem to have appeared overnight with pods of how-tos
jostling for attention . . . their talk the color of backstory frescoes
unloading demons of erotic curiosity
chalking a pool cue for nine-ball . . .
The clock is relentless . . . too easy to fail at composition
when OS upgrades abandon Music Mouse
and odysseyites enjoy a sabbatical in the Land of Yee . . .

Laurie Spiegel, Electronic Music Pioneer