Monday, October 31, 2022

Screen Dump 684

Your basement tapes voice allegations
of foreplay and aftplay
in the cemetery miniseries
that didn't make the cut . . .
Yes, the hills are alive . . .
But, hey, let's not forget there's more to it . . .
A conductor with baton raised
ready to start time
opens the throttle
to begin the first movement . . .
the clocks change
and the bottleneck at the back door
is shortlisted in the Times
with someone soloing
as a prelude to the sarabande
that everyone has been waiting to hear . . .
You tell me about the pleasures
of your special house
the color-coded, numbered steps
the nested rooms
the welcoming gestures
the shoutout Beethovenish . . .
A semblance of your former self
searches scores for an earwormed progression
that holds the clock's breath
with you keyboarding in real time . . .
You open with a chase scene
awaiting the first snowfall . . .
A dream of a dream of a dream, yes? . . .

Antonio Palmerini

Thursday, October 20, 2022

Screen Dump 683

You engage a semicolon and chalk up another lap
trying to snag a moment of immortality
with ospreys on the breakers
at the tip of the Cape . . .
a perfect day . . . a perfect costume . . .
your younger self trying to elbow in
but you surprise the nosebleed section
with a crossover dribble
and set the stage
for another take on
Long Days Journey Into Night
conceived in one of the dune shacks
you visited followed by high tide
and an arpeggiated welcome
by the piano player at The Moors
who upon seeing you announced
shipwreck! . . .
You envision a write-up or a white-out
but words are slow
which is OK because odysseyites on holiday
are standing down
waiting for the call to exercise
their right to farm
with its green light ignoring nuisance lawsuits . . .
You're at loggerheads
deconstructing time and loving it . . .
so why shouldn't the exasperated
in the green room pay homage to last month's winners
in the Pick Up Stix Contest
touting fast casual Asian cuisine? . . .

The Moors, Provincetown, MA

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Screen Dump 682

You sleep with jealousy and run red lights
bronzing conjugations of fornicate
trying to pump the impression
of laughing through intersections . . .
Scribbles aside you paddle to the middle
and sketch the shoreline . . .
The sun sits between timeouts . . .
It's all about staying the moment
finding a script with starting blocks tailor-made
then moving online for subtleties . . .
You got rid of most of it at the transfer station . . .
But some things are difficult to part with, yes? . . .
Sticking to your fingertips
when a storm approaches for example . . .
Seeing them in your rearview mirror . . .
And now, they're dancing on the roof
the angle making it impossible for you to let go . . .

Antonio Palmerini

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Screen Dump 681

Undaunted, the U-Haul speaks volumes . . .
Have you been here before? . . .
Your appearance bodes well for the extended forecast . . .
Were there enough corrugations
to keep the pachyderms occupied for the duration? . . .
The shore can be therapeutic, yes? . . .
Especially the white sand . . .
It's not just that though . . .
There's something else, something I can't put my finger on . . .
This has been happening a lot lately,
and I fear it may become par for the course . . .
Bette Davis was one; there have been others
but she nailed it, and it's stood . . .
Did you think you could forestall the inevitable? . . .

Antonio Palmerini

Monday, October 17, 2022

Screen Dump 680

Your eyeliner tells a different story . . .
Cartons upon cartons upon cartons
delivered in a misrepresentation of facts . . .
And where in this stream of consciousness
do you place yourself? . . .
There's no telling
when you too will be dropped . . .
Waiting for . . . Waiting for . . .
Insinuations jumping out of the woodwork
without regard for the other players
in this mini-drama
which streams Saturday evening somewhere . . .
Come out with it, already . . .
You know you're bursting with others . . .
The excavations bronzed . . .
Your thoughts bronzed . . .
The heat-stroked field always a good excuse . . .

Antonio Palmerini

Sunday, October 16, 2022

Screen Dump 679

You fall asleep watching Scenes from a Marriage
(for the umpteenth time)
and awaken to a brighter palette:
the confluence of material, brushstroke, support, scale
how music can jack the spirit
the change in your pocket jingling with memories
the exchange of emails shepherding new worlds . . .
Running on the fumes of texts excites . . .
This time you have read the manual
studied the expressions on their faces
reviewed your notes, practiced survival skills
as suggested by counter staff
at Dunkin' and Starbucks . . .
They too are familiar with the sketches you shared
and seem to understand your reasons
for trying to get it all down . . .

Antonio Palmerini

Saturday, October 15, 2022

Screen Dump 678

Words bottleneck the coastal route:
you know, the windup, the pitch, the corner
the cab to the outer reaches
the Nile rerouted
gondoliers on holiday . . .
Oblong days saturate polyrhythms . . .
Back seat drivers GPSing . . .
The muses step up to the plate . . .
Did you fail to deliver? . . .
Did you fail to hand in the report on time? . . .
You will not pass Go . . .
You will not collect $200 . . .
You will be banished to a Draft Folder
in the Outer Banks
to sit there, in a quandary, bemoaning a foothold . . .

Antonio Palmerini

Friday, October 14, 2022

Screen Dump 677

You passed the rigor of bicycle days,
coaster brakes waiting behind package stores,
ifs, ands, buts triangulating the derivatives
barely visible through the brushstrokes,
armatures buckling under symbols shape-shifting
with wait staff, your chalk drawn and ready . . .
The mathematicians of your half-life
are talking their way
through the axioms on Knife's Edge
the conjectures at Herring Cove
the theorems along the Mohawk
hustling you past
the rentals, the SROs, condos, two-families,
the faces in the windows of doublewides
reflecting the ambiguity of your words . . .
Your rewrite fills an amphitheater with iterations
of the same person . . . a stranger . . .
You were told this would happen, yes? . . .

Antonio Palmerini

Thursday, October 13, 2022

Screen Dump 676

Your answering machine is asking questions.
          - Anon

You're not sure it's a question
and you're trying to convince yourself
that you couldn't care less
but you know that you do . . .
You know that lately it's been a rabbit hole
and that in the dream you had drilled down
to your old neighborhood
now in disrepair
and confided to your friend who died
of a heart attack on the tennis court
30 years ago at 39 . . .
Your afterimage brought you to your knees
and has been texting you incessantly . . .
You've said you want out . . .
So you put aside the question
in question, and think again
about Alice, in disguise, in your dream,
wearing one of those huge hats
in the manner of the Red Queen
and carrying on about why words
can be made to mean
so many different things
which again opens the door
to the conundrum
waiting for you in the fun house mirror . . .

Antonio Palmerini

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Screen Dump 675

You begin telling a funny story then stop
insisting your delivery is off a few cents
as if you were comparing musical pitches . . .
You assume tomorrow will arrive as scheduled
with makeovers and callbacks and returns . . .
Not unlike most of us, yes? . . .
Bring the car around, it's time . . .
Shall we continue into the second stanza
which was left flopping around on the wet sand? . . .
I can't believe it's you
but in fact it is . . .
looking small yet provocative
for the part you've chosen from scraps of paper
blowing around the gazebo . . .
There was a time . . .
Forget it . . . That was back when timetables
ran the show and the button
signifying the next move
was visible to all, even those in the nosebleed section . . .

Antonio Palmerini

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Screen Dump 674

You remember a room (of one's own?) with a view
and something about a Gold Coin or Golden Coin
or a man with a golden arm . . .
The scene with the last supper was not the first . . .
Foodies . . . always foodies - thinking a world
of impastos and gouaches, a world
where mistakes can be sent back to the kitchen . . .
These are a few of your favorite things:
John Coltrane at the Village Gate,
BE: Before eBay and confusion
and scads of DVDs coloring the silence
of conversations with (significant) others,
Teshigahara's Woman in the Dunes, 
the air salty at the outermost house,
the Pilgrim Monument's 100th,
replaying the obvious for the off-center crowd . . .
And, of course, the scripts, always the scripts -
to consider to edit to create
grounded in small (under 100 notes) electronic compositions,
a few improvised or composed on the fly . . .

Antonio Palmerini

Monday, October 10, 2022

Screen Dump 673

You connect the dots, ignoring the numbers,
and find a topography of damage,
the breakdown lane scattered with shattered dreams,
recognizable fragments littering the culvert . . .
You begin counting backwards from 100
as your mother suggested years ago
intimidated by the absence of footholds
yet eager to move on . . .
Are you happy with whom you've become? . . .
With the self forged by past events? . . .
You're not one to look back . . .
You grab your backpack, leave your room,
and begin the trek, mindful of the signposts
for love, for betrayal, for the bagpipes' eerie call . . .
The voices in your head continue . . .

Antonio Palmerini

Sunday, October 9, 2022

Screen Dump 672

You present with symptoms of naiveté . . .
A late-night phone call . . . texts . . .
an early-morning phone call
and, voila, you're seduced
by the immediacy of the overheard conversation
the immersive apparatus engaged
knocking the corners off the foundation . . .
But . . . But . . . But . . .
But what? . . .
But the symmetry is off . . .
Irrelevant . . . at this late date . . .
But why should the party of the first part party? . . .
A minimum of two, or three, or five? . . .
You're kidding, yes? . . .
Perhaps not . . . Perhaps the disingenuous
are hardwired for tolerance
or at least stick-to-itiveness . . .
Regardless, take a hike . . .
The evergreens, frosted, await your passing . . .

Antonio Palmerini

Saturday, October 8, 2022

Screen Dump 671

You tried to placate some with your whimsicality
but words bottlenecked
and you were left holding empty seats . . .
The sun did come out tomorrow but went back in
the Do Not Disturb saying more
than you needed to know . . .
And now you're weeding? . . .
Yes, therapeutic . . .
How you can't believe how you feel . . .
How you are bound to get hurt
in the penultimate scene
surrounded by butterfly bushes . . .
You run down the hill and let go of the note . . .
They will never see it . . .
Docents clutter the walkway
with empty pizza boxes . . .
Killing the dreamscape seems
the only level-headed thing to do
and you pride yourself
on your level-headedness and pragmatism . . .
At night, cynical about your feelings
you check your messages
and the secrets strangers have failed
to pry open . . .
Room to room to room . . .
Why go there? . . .
Think of the momentum of this 18-wheeler
when you hit the brakes . . .
Translate the next chapter . . .
Don't be put off by Sanskrit . . .
It's only language,
one, in fact, that encompasses immense musicality . . .
Your earbuds will be prancing along
as happy as the summer fly
before Blake's thoughtless hand . . .

Antonio Palmerini

Friday, October 7, 2022

Screen Dump 670

You drag your old apartment through the mud
imagining the surplus of regrets segmenting the days
reaching back to capture the elements of then
fragmented into painful shards . . .
Odysseyites at the foot of your bed await direction
again overwhelmed by the onlookers
brought in to witness your de-accessioning . . .
The wood stove crackles its befuddlement . . .
It has been cued, as have others, from childhood memories . . .
This is happening as predicted
choreographed by backers as a concession
to the chamber group whose notes have taken to the air . . .

Antonio Palmerini

Thursday, October 6, 2022

Screen Dump 669

Sneaker-shopping in a pop-up
with its inevitable contact and inevitable uncoupling
allows you to pass through a portal
without knowing where or why
without clicking Agree
without committing to the restraining order
of the unannounced . . .
Words squeeze into thought bubbles . . .
The spooky genius in you hazarding extinction
graffitis delusions in water closets
with images of Banksy's Dismaland
that take on a life of their own . . .
You worry the envelope being pushed . . .
the takeaway being taken away . . .
Does the alternative,
strewn with spirals of trashed autofictions
in corrosive landfills
appeal to you? . . .
Why bother you ask? . . . No idea? . . .
The rehearsal to get it right, alone, without collaboration,
is about to begin and may be enough, you think,
to confess to, again and again and again . . .

Banksy's Balloon Girl

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Screen Dump 668

You run into your mirror image in a parking lot . . .
Words tumble out, collide . . .
Screens refresh, avalanche . . .
The pain of updates . . .
Later you escape to Netflix,
before descending into a maelstrom . . .
Again, you review what's happened . . .
What's happening . . .
Too much at stake? . . .
You had trouble last time, yes? . . .
Let's not kid ourselves . . .
Why put yourself through this? . . .
Why go there? . . .
The honesty? . . . The openness? . . .
The honesty of openness? . . .
Surely, you can conjure a better reason . . .
Something more palatable with . . .
With what? . . . The heart as lonely hunter? . . .

Antonio Palmerini

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Screen Dump 667

Intellectualizing Chekhov's Uncle Vanya doesn't help
though Cate Blanchett gives you a second wind
and a cheatsheet on the symbolism . . .
You have stopped taking notes as suggested . . .
We're all visitors here, anyway, yes? . . .
Passing through, so to speak? . . .
Isn't that part of the agreement? . . .
part of the understanding of the elements of style? . . .
the elements of the mundane? . . .
Retractions? . . . Forget it,
crows have eaten the bread crumbs . . .
When was the last time you saw them? . . .
Before or after the pratfall? . . .
And now so much to discover . . . so much to rethink . . .
The train leaving the station, passengers waving
to their delicate lives on the platform,
their delicate lives . . . brief and undeniable . . .

Cate Blanchett in Uncle Vanya (2012)

Monday, October 3, 2022

Screen Dump 666

The time is past for going back.
          - A. E. Stallings

You've test-driven the tops and bottoms
weighed the pros and cons

put in for a hiatus from drifting aimlessly,
a far cry from the old days

when you were a pronoun-in-training, and
domesticity was a bargain-basement forget-me-not . . .

The boatman awaits . . .
Let's talk about your future

and the hellish commute to motherhood,
fatherhood, sisterhood, brotherhood . . .

Mourning inconclusively is a no-no . . .
Learn the lines of your face . . . Learn them well . . .

As resident cartographer of your double life,
you are within X years of enlightenment . . .

Antonio Palmerini

Sunday, October 2, 2022

Screen Dump 665

. . . when a person is capable of being in uncertainties,
mysteries, doubts without any irritable reaching after fact
and reason.
          - John Keats

You're lying in the grass
studying the azure map of the sky

comparing it to the veins
on the back of your hand

which lately have been speaking to you - in tongues -
to-and-fro, to-and-fro . . .

Perhaps you've arrived with someone else? . . .
Or, better, as someone else? . . .

The tingling ebb and flow . . .
The trials and trails? . . .

The excitement of then, yes? . . .
Aha! . . . You mean I'm excused? . . .

No one's excused . . .
A few bucks, just a few bucks

and you'll be off and running, again . . .
Sort of . . .

What brings you here? . . .
An erection year? . . .

Filled with unspoken conversations? . . . And negative space? . . .
Let us not forget the place of negative space . . .

And negative capability, for that matter,
which, for your erotification, offers an alternative . . .

To what? . . .
Your dreams of the Old Country, and its accoutered models . . .

Be nimble . . . Be quick . . . Jump over the dowsing stick . . .
yes I said yes I will Yes . . .

Antonio Palmerini

Saturday, October 1, 2022

Screen Dump 664

But what if you're not sprung from sleep by the light? . . .
To gurgle along? . . .
Snatching a banana or an orange
from one of the many overhangs? . . .
Gabbing up locals? . . .
Have you finished the book you've been reading? . . .
The one you couldn't put down? . . .
I saw you at the supermarket in the canned soup aisle
comparing sodium levels with a metronome . . .
You were so algorithmic I didn't stop . . .
The word on the street is that you're up most nights,
pacing, in your new white kicks . . .
Disgruntlement is a no-no, you know . . .
At least here in the center ring . . .
Your white Tesla Model XYZ sits in the parking lot
of the latest development
assuming a different persona
for every Tom, Dick, and Jane . . .
And if he (or she) can do it, so can you . . .
It's time to bee-line for the rest room
where an open mic of horn rims is about to begin:
a Rimbaudesque excitement filling the water closet,
the sand waiting to smooth wrinkled souls . . .
You've seen those enjambments before, you know . . .
But so what? . . .
At least there's comfort in the familiar . . .
In the tried and true . . .
And with the clock ticking down it's bishop to queen four . . .
White on right, right? . . .
Yes, start whistling now . . .
It will carry you through the atelier
resurrecting that night when inappropriateness held sway . . .
It was indeed fun, wasn't it? . . .
So what if the constable paid us a visit? . . .
Let the swags move to the center, I say . . .
They'll soon be off the radar
traveling east along a bumpy two-lane
trying to absorb the changes that have occurred
in the four months they've been unlooped . . .
And don't forget to keep your eyes peeled
as you weather the ramifications of your latest tailspin . . .
Keep a pad and pencil handy, too,
next to your bed, even,
for those late-night archetypes
that are sure to emanate from your collective unconscious . . .

Antonio Palmerini