Thursday, February 29, 2024

Screen Dump 742

Thinking a reshoot of the end game
is one way to pass this late season snowstorm . . .
The hiking paths wait . . .
This pincushiony dynamic is offputting
to say the least . . . it can't help but raise a flag
to the 365 days of summer . . .
It's something to think about, I suppose,
especially when considering footwear
and the miles and lines to be traversed . . .
I hate to remind you but those cyberdays
keep coming back, their moves color-coded
for easy turnstiling . . . and more . . .
Flat screens are a turn on . . .
Reminds me of Miles cranking out however many hits
to fulfill his contract and join Columbia . . .

Leila Forés

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Screen Dump 741

You're turning the room inside out
looking for the missing link
you forgot to include in your email . . .
Rhode Island Reds cluck news feeds . . .
the regulated symbol in art
smearing your dreamscape lakeside
with the cinematography grammatical
to showcase your outré demeanor . . .
It's nothing . . . really, this imagining
as if one were willing to retreat
to a safer pop-up monastically . . .
even with everything curated, yes? . . .

Antonio Palmerini

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Screen Dump 740

You're collapsing the story . . . but why? . . .
Why this segue into alienation
with voices at the back door? . . .
No, not gallows humor, not just yet . . .
You have come too far to fear the end . . .
of course, it's all about coming
at the drama from a distance
all stops pulled out
the perspective just that
and, what, you're trying to reel it in? . . .
You do recall the reshoot
after several lines had been cut
leaving you at loose ends, yes? . . .
a kind of detachment
even about the most intimate of details
fanning out like a stacked deck of cards
with the magician asking you to pick one . . .
There's more to it, sure, but let's not, not now . . .

Antonio Palmerini

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Screen Dump 739

Fat Tuesday kicks off a super bowl of Cajun gumbo . . .
Cybersecurity mavens schedule colonoscopies
with iCloud colorways
as if keyboarding members of the alphabet
to guide a 20-wheeler through the woods of words
would be enough to maintain a daily stepcount of 10,000
for a buy-back from the gods of uncertainty . . .
Repurposing confidential information next to a dogbed
is a bullet train back to the future
where rehearsals are more rehearsals
and the game afoot raises the stakes
to a sub two-hour marathon
fixed on the window of a Magic 8 Ball . . .
The drama resurfaces in water under the bridge
quenching no one's thirst . . . with you
leaving the table of random numbers without a word
without finishing the song . . . driving away
into sheets of sound . . .

Leila Forés

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Screen Dump 738

You're riding the shapes of the books you have read . . .
the geometry of stories
etymological underpins
late night walks - real and imagined . . .
Self-mythologizing life's path or paths
however logical or reverential
may seem, if pressed against a whiteboard,
a mapping of your encounters
etched from bootleg tapes
whose words fill thought bubbles
alphabetizing utterances
from the street, the media, internet feeds . . .
It's not just that though is it? . . .
But what of hopscotching the ongoingness of paradox? . . .
A trifle? . . . the intoxicating trance? . . .
the blindness of happiness? . . . I mean
you seem to be coming into the country of the end game
as it is, or better, as it will be . . . an alternate stage
upon which you can enact or re-enact 
your one wild and  precious  life  . . .

Leila Forés