Friday, October 30, 2020

Screen Dump 529

With the seating chart on hold
it's tough to figure out
where the subway gives way . . .
She drills a hole in the ice
with an auger on YouTube 
eases into the water
talking nonstop about altruism . . .
an alien concept
to the gaggle of egocentrics
raising hell in the voting line . . .
You are t-boned by snow
as if in someone's crosshairs . . .
Backburnering the registration form 
has put the grocery list
on a slippery slope . . .
If only you had switched majors
when the light changed
you could have been
a multitasking grandmaster . . .
Just think of it . . .
imagine a loneliness
peppered with salt . . .
the salt and pepper alternative
to randomization . . .
That was quite an aside, yes? . . .
Do I think what? . . .
Yes, funny you should ask, I do
and hope only for the piggybacked
smidgen of truth . . .
But then of course there's Wittgenstein
who took a year to design the door handles
for his sister's house in Vienna . . .
It's kind of like the Queen's Gambit . . .
c5 to e4, if you will . . .
Someone pulled a sticky wicket
out of their pocket
in the produce section
on the security cam . . .
We had all we could do not to
break out the musical chairs . . .
Everyone was masked and socially distant
and on their way to a leveled playing field
where the comealongs
were first and ten . . . or thereabouts . . .

Platon Yurich

Monday, October 26, 2020

Intermission To Boredom

Head-to-head with kneejerk channel surfing
like a magician's patter
misdirecting the eyes of beholders
intent on mapping unlined terrain
you open with the Queen's Gambit

to control the board's center
gleaned from years of analysis:
Have you considered Hotel Management? . . .
Eyeballing your bloated dance card
you hype a pretend candlelight din-din

and hightail-it to the No-Tell Motel
backpack stuffed from 7-Eleven:
chips, salsa, 12-pack of Natty Light . . .
In that moment of ecstasy-in-training
echoing Bernini's three-dimensional take on Saint Teresa:

head thrown back, eyes half-closed, lips parted 
the chorus ascending the stairway to heaven . . .
you are this . . . and more . . .
feeding momsy and popsy's A+ delusions of the good(er) life
until tomorrow's all-too-soon re-entry into Acme High . . .

Saturday, October 24, 2020

from the '90s . . .


The leaves would tell us, 
changing their colors,
patterning the ground.
And the crisp Saturday
afternoons.  Sweaters.
Great-looking cheerleaders.
Steaming coffee.  The din
of the marching band
mixing with the Icy Hot
in the locker room.
Joking around.  Towel
swatting.  And Coach
listen up ladies
with his righteous,
almost reverent, words. 
Heads bowed.  Awaiting 
the anointing with tongues.
The circle of hands. 
Helmet smacking.  Head
butting.  Getting psyched.  
Chanting.  Running through
the dim, damp tunnel 
into the roaring brightness.
Prancing across the field
on coltish legs.  Nerves
bursting.  The national
anthem.  Waiting for the
kick, the pigskin bullet.
This holy grail spiraling
toward us, sending us,
charging, at the armored
visitors, under the 
scoreboard's mocking glare.


Thursday, October 22, 2020

Screen Dump 528

The talking heads in your dreamscapes
masked and bottlenecked
disappear into Chopin's études
insufficient funds barking the background
escorting you to a misandristic moment . . .
Of course you're out there with the wherewithal
holding the key the code the answer
in full Sphinxian getup . . .
Look on my works, ye mighty, . . .
Perhaps this aura brings you pleasure . . .
a respite from the unsettling . . . such and such . . .
the entire about-face shape-shifting slowly . . .
slowly . . . counterclockwise . . . a throwback . . .
time sucked into a maelstrom 
but not, yes? . . .
You as supplicant . . .
playing the field as it were
ticking off ifs ands buts . . .
It wasn't enough that you knew this from the get-go . . .
It wasn't enough to shore up the rationale . . .
You had to go weird-ass
with a conglomeration to boot . . .
And now the ruinous global circumstance . . .
the tide wearing away the details of your sandcastles . . .
your one-hundred-and-ninety-seventh attempt . . .

Platon Yurich


Sunday, October 18, 2020

Screen Dump 527

The history of this . . . fitful, spasmodic
with a soft spot for irreverence . . .
an easy mark for spit-shiners . . .
lunging, irrepressible, desperate . . .
squandering any lasting claim
to noteworthiness . . .
An epic melodrama of legends of the fall
with colorfast etchings
recording the elementary logic
of remorseless joy
despite your images littered with loss . . .
To confess boredom, yes? . . .
Daily upticks of virtual victims . . .
The spinning out of control
and the return to humdrum
notched with fantasies of truth or dare
in the middle of a bridge
spanning there to here . . .
It was enough to reassume the position
no need to feign forgetfulness
with gestures reminiscent of decades past . . .
Reach into your toybox
and remove the circumstantial evidence of interiority . . .
of being you and not you
of being here and not here
of being then and of being now . . .

Felip Mars

Friday, October 16, 2020

Screen Dump 526

There was an off-handed knowingness . . .
an instability to the morning
that ran red lights and took corners at unsafe speeds
and yet the arrow didn't budge
in fact it seemed to egg on odysseyites
who had been flown in at the last minute . . .
You were landlocked
with reams of paper
and a willingness to map the contours
of life . . . unrolling the record . . . smoothing
it flat . . . turning autobiography
into cartography
no doubt dressed for the part
which had been reshaped to fit the fork in the road . . .
moment . . . or moments . . . palpable . . .
seemingly seamless . . .
This was not about loneliness . . .
the murkiness of loneliness . . .
It had been written up as such
but then a call came in from above
and the wording was changed . . .
We had no idea where you were headed
with your thesis . . . but after a while
it didn't matter . . .
There was something about the journey into the interior . . .
something about the interior design of a mind
that seemed to be plotting a way around . . .
or better, a way out . . .

Paulina Otylie Surys