Thursday, March 30, 2017

Walking the Cat

(reposted from Wednesday, February 16, 2011)


He prefers to spend his days lazed
in the stuffy arms of a chair by the window
where he can keep an emerald eye
peeled for caricatures in the street.
His pleasures are unparalleled
though this morning he carried on
about the hot cereal being anything but.
Later, despite the coming snow
he insisted on our usual walk -
the side streets troubled by student drivers
at ten and two, the vacant lot flecked
with white. We stopped for a paper
which pleased him to no end, knowing
it would eventually wind up in his box.
He doesn't seem to mind old news.
On the way home he mentioned
the snow blower which I should have
had serviced in the fall, and his wish
to return to his pastime of compiling lists
of restaurants with take-out sushi
at reasonable prices for friends and acquaintances.
But you know how that goes.

Tara and Corleone

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Screen Dump 352

It's here somewhere . . . it has to be . . . I just know it . . .
Wind chimes . . . catching the blizzard's tail . . .
and you . . . journaling your odyssey . . . now in its nth year . . .
worrying the lines . . . that deepen
with every footnote . . .
nostalgic for the look you had
at the beginning of the New Millennium . . . aka Y2K . . .
Do you regard past playaphiles with a smile? . . .
Should you? . . . You're asking me? . . .
You paid the price for their best behavior . . .
You made the best call . . .
We all make the best call . . . in the moment, yes? . . .
when roads diverge . . .
and the photo-montage of smiling faces . . .
Smiling Faces Sometimes . . .
Smiling Faces Sometimes . . . pretend . . .
The Temptations, yes? . . . Psychedelic Soul . . .
The Wayback Machine . . . back to the '70s . . .
If they can do it . . . I can do it . . .
with Jack in the Beanstalk's goose laying golden
eggs on your face . . . after-hours clubbing
seals . . . awaiting their ship . . .
brimmed with henna intimacy . . .
and the dead silence of phony phone numbers . . .
Who knew? . . . Certainly not you? . . .
Then the stumbling began . . .
the eyeliner underlined with stilettos
and role confusion . . .
Erik - son of Erik - Erikson's Moratorium . . . and the hiatus . . .
I retreat . . . into my children . . .
I am my children . . .
I become my children . . .
I become untouchable . . .
I accept my sentence . . .
my paragraph . . . the entire book . . .
a cautionary, confessional tale of two people . . . me . . .

Patti Smith

Friday, March 17, 2017

Screen Dump 351

A cautionary tale of the imagination propels a cold plunge
into night which ends with back alley anonymous embraces
down a stairwell . . . into the street . . .
notebook jotting your cross-country gambit . . .
The morning after faced head-on
with words-of-the-day about false eyelashes . . .
and the misunderstandings . . . of playing the part . . .
Yet it did indeed feel good . . . almost . . .
filtering as a go-between
hinged on recording the latest in Odyssey Tales . . .
in which faceless extras being fed fried chicken
audition for the part of a modern day Caligula . . .
bipolarism notwithstanding . . . the meds suffice . . .
charting clang associations
and that darn thread through the labyrinth . . .
I am circus . . .
I am three-ring circus . . .
I am four- five- . . . six-ring circus . . .
careful, of course, in the derangement . . .
The requisite basic disorientation
and the need to temporarily unshackle the mind
from ordinary semantic logic . . .
There is absolutely nothing fortuitous about this . . . or that . . .

Eugenio Recuenco

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Screen Dump 350

Tripping on bad soft-core porn
you are hurled into impenetrable writing
full of postmodern gewgaws
and whirligigs . . .
a room lined with waxy lemonwood paneling
deep in the bowels
of an unheard of snow day . . .
I don't think I like where this is headed . . .
I'm dog-tired from shoveling
and misunderstood besides . . .
OK, we'll back it off a bit
and cut to the symbols
of the unconscious:
a heyday of Freudian slips
and Jungian archtypes
with your tendency to pigeonhole
taking a back seat in a rusted-out stretch limo
pinned by first-timers . . .
The driver is hosting an open mic
reading his/her latest installment from an
uncooperative smartphone . . .
and we're here on the cusp of ordering-out . . .

Monday, March 13, 2017

Screen Dump 349

New and a bit alarming . . .
          - Beauty and the Beast (2017)

The bloated script toggles your erotic other . . .
as if at a meeting of sorts with a chameleon-like character
who never was . . . and never will be . . .
pushing a Something-of-the-Month Club app
celebrating the opening of the New NY Bridge . . .
Scalpers run lines down blind alleys . . .
Friends with benefits bottleneck stage doors . . .
The millennium's magic beans, yes? . . .
A portal to The Time Before the Time That Was . . .
cryptic codes choke galley proofs thick with odyssey . . .
costumes . . . understudies . . . extras . . .
liner notes nuanced
with clues to your whereabouts . . .
last seen being whited-out by sheets of snow . . .

Bruno Aveillan

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Screen Dump 348

The thought of Klein's patented riff on ultramarine
and the high romance of pursuit
saturate your jealousy of time despite a high wind advisory . . .
Gym rats crowd onto a blue continuum with feigned defeat
pained by the thought of your strange repetitions . . .
their ineptitude straining the windows with halftime images . . .
You were climactically rebuffed, yes? . . .
but who's to say why? . . . Certainly not page-turners
who know the morbidity of sand
slipping in and out of costume and into the role of street
only to be shunted off into a siding . . .
You, not unlike many, are mired in the phrase bald-face lies . . .
its etymology as elusive as imaginary numbers
skipping beats to the turntable's scratching . . .
An obsession with interludes will soon spell relief . . .

Anka Zhuravleva

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Screen Dump 347

You were kept up at night by Joan Mitchell's Les Bluets . . .
A book on the terrace . . . at the entrance to Monet's cottage . . .
now a pile of pages . . .
ghost-knowledge . . . a mark of erudition . . .
passing the plate . . .
like Beckett's Film starring Buster Keaton . . .
who remained confused . . . throughout . . .
asking Beckett if he had eaten Welsh rarebit . . .
freely improvising the lines . . . the melody dictates rhythm
and shared admiration
of facticity and the poetization of form . . .
What are you talking about? . . .
Not quite sure . . . but little matter . . .
especially now . . . toeing the high wire . . .
though costumed we are recognizable . . . spooning a hard conceit . . .

Samuel Beckett and Buster Keaton

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Screen Dump 346

Under a fermata . . . as if the book's deckle edge . . .
With amplification your silence will inhabit
the margins of this poem
not unlike a ripening of sorts . . .
perhaps indifferent-seeming . . . at first . . .
then a buttoning-up against the cold . . .
You have become unsuited for tangentials . . .
play-acting . . . breathing in . . . breathing out . . .
trying to convince yourself
and the other (named after the main character)
that this is the language of lost things . . .
that this too is the way it is . . . as good as it gets? . . .
tagged . . . archived . . .
to be studied . . . continued . . . forgotten . . .
He/she enters you . . . becomes you . . .
The odyssey as virgule . . .
Your first tea . . . miles away . . . down the hill . . .

Francesca Woodman

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Screen Dump 345

A fairer House than Prose.
          - Emily Dickinson

Instead the twitching vocabulary blinds us
with its patina . . . demanding entry . . .
You have experienced this yourself . . .
[see Journal entry #365]
Without reassurance then . . .
How we manage to traverse March Madness
on a snowy March day . . .
your bad ear tap dancing to Keats's Impossible Music . . .
flirting with segues . . .
past players working an audience . . .
Meditation as foreplay, yes? . . .
You haven't refreshed the pages, that's why . . .
There's a blueness to it . . .
hypnotic . . . despite the trepidation of icosahedrons . . .
20 questions? . . .
And why the cormorants? . . .
Instead of rewinding . . . try resetting . . .
It doesn't matter . . . the directions are misleading . . .
off-putting . . . thick with errors . . .
Of course, he/she wants to re-up . . .
Relegated to inefficiency . . .
the oversight of an overnight of the 10th order . . .
Recheck the code . . .
You embody the Pleasure Principle . . .
skim Freud . . . flag Jung . . .
You deny insensitivity, yes? . . .
arguing instead the pressure points of the body . . .
Little wonder the insinuations . . .
The algorithms wax geometric on your eyelids
providing a welcome respite to food shopping . . .
I can only imagine . . .
Unclothed . . . wrinkle-proof . . .
escaping into the figurative
as if a swell carried you across the jetty
on an overcast day . . . brimmed with extras . . .
Regard the script, please . . .
You were well-versed given your days at the manhole . . .
with its triangulation of
hand . . . mouth . . . womanhole . . .
Is that it? . . .
Shape-changing . . . and leaving before the sun . . .
not unlike a vampire . . .
Reason #3 for why your mother told you . . .
If the sitcom rolls in, be noncommittal . . .
the honester you'll become . . .
These elements will magically take flight
as if from your scrapbook . . . minus 18 minutes . . .
where someone reminded you to hedge your bets . . .
And, of course, the buoyancy . . .
You insist numbness, but that wasn't it, was it? . . .
as you sucked on your lower lip
waiting for the Windows 10 Update . . .
You were lavish in your arrogance
and partied-on until the bubbles were pried open . . .
your odyssey threatening to be something other
than what it was? . . . is? . . .
You continue to catch the wave of enjambment . . .
fresh from Neverland . . .
prancing ostentatiously . . .
and this is good . . .
indented on the next line to show that the break
is the result of space limitations
not the actualization of the self . . .
which tries mightily to crash the servers of past players
who insist the seduction of bass lines . . . not baselines . . .
for no reason other than buy-backs . . .
a pumping segue to the requisite . . .
your meter hashtagged as a dream sequence
intuiting its possibility via ekphrastic verse . . .
laid out on a picnic table astride cobs of corn . . .
Of course, there will be afterthoughts . . . as always . . .
a celebration of the "I" and the "you"
straddled with nary a homestretch . . .

Emily Dickinson

Friday, March 3, 2017

Screen Dump 344

That the room is spinning . . . spinning . . . spinning . . .
Unhouse your face . . . and begin . . .
Time bookends itself . . .
You have made-do . . . and made-off
with the likes of nobody . . .
Evidence bespeaks versatility . . .
I have been verily amused by your analytics . . .
and antics . . .
Intentionality 'R' Us, yes? . . .
Arrange the chimes farther down the row . . .
You have crossed yourself
past the row houses
seemingly at ease with the accoutrements
being examined and codified
in the makeshift alcove . . .
Of course I remember the locomotive works
qua casino . . . where the slots
found a home . . . and await the starting gong . . .
Isn't it as if you were pre-empted? . . .
It wasn't written that way . . .
I don't know how it was written
but I know it wasn't written that way . . .
A switch must have occurred . . .
and flipped . . .
Nonetheless, you will be less remarked upon
astonishingly mild-mannered
with a ripple-effect to unfurl your socks
in full color
in full view
in full payment
in retrospect . . .
His/her latest novel plays upon dot matrices . . .
It's a Fulbright . . .
Imagine the centrifuge . . .
and the particle accelerator
gathering dust
especially in that moment of anticipated reactions . . .
The Law of Anticipated Reactions . . .
Perchance to dream? . . .
And yet a smidgen, perhaps? . . .
While you're up, could you please flip
the complications . . . of that encounter . . .
when the reds, whites, and blues partied hard? . . .
Trust me, it wasn't allegorical . . .
There was no dispensation involved . . .
further, happenstance was not called upon . . .
You would think the obvious
but the outcome surprisingly took on
a broader issue
and made its way . . . tail between its legs . . .
to the photomontage
as if nothing had happened . . .
We were caught off-guard . . .
All of us . . .
And it was a good thing to be in good company . . .
We got the story straight . . .
with the attendant ifs, ands, and buts . . .
Things can get muddy . . . as you well know . . .
especially with the threat of climate change
and Holly Golightly . . .
You do remember Cat, yes? . . .
The knitsch was knotted . . .
We were about ourselves
with five minutes left in the quarter
and leftovers left over . . .
Please review the conscious avenue of deceit . . .
It's always there . . .
I have your back . . .
Thank you . . . and be well . . .

Audrey Hepburn and "Cat" in Breakfast at Tiffany's (1961)