Monday, December 28, 2020


(revised & reposted from Tuesday, March 1, 2011)

The impastos and gouaches
in the small gallery on the third floor,
the long-limbed bronzes
crowding the poorly lit hallways,
the after-hour departures
rehung as an homage to the lives
of the long coats and wide brims
that filled the spaces between the shows
before fleeing the city
are not unlike the masked visitors
who drifted through,
pausing occasionally for a closer look
at the work of the brush or painting knife,
the blending of color,
the play of light and dark,
scribbling their lives,
page after page,
revision upon revision,
against the collage of bare branches
in the courtyard
moving to the rhythm of the wind
amid the color fields of seasons
with their unmet promises,
their empty rooms,
their orphaned boulevards.

Chris Abani

Sunday, December 27, 2020

Screen Dump 535

The heart at the heart at the heart, yes? . . .
You knew this . . .
There should have been more . . .
Again, please? . . .
OK, what about the empty box at the entrance to your dream? . . .
That should have been enough . . .
What? . . .
Death rolled through . . .
You escaped into the peaks and valleys of immunization . . .
It's not like I didn't warn you . . .
I don't know . . . scammed and spammed shadows of PCs
crashing Windows plug and play players
waiting for the New Normal . . .
The endgames . . . the betting parlors . . .
iPhones aimed at unmasked stoners smoked out of hiding . . .
The last one out insisting it would all come in handy . . .
As? . . .
To unlock the door to the library where you spent
your early years perfecting the turning of pages . . .
That too sparked interest . . .
especially your work as barista
preparing orders . . .
serving eyes filled with anticipation and dread . . .
And later the conjoinment . . . fictitious yet detailed . . .
while outside snow flaked and accumulated . . .
Again, please? . . .
Why? I don't see the point to this . . .
To what? . . .
You whispering an emotion to me and I'm supposed to translate it
into a facial expression? . . .
There's really no need to resubmit your application . . .
No need to recolor your shapeshifting former lovers . . .
pockets filled with midnight passes . . .

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Screen Dump 534

If on a winter's night a traveler

enters an empty room
and sits on the floor to read a book
about a reader reading a book
about a reader . . .

You wake to find yourself
peering through the befogged glass windows
of an old train
steaming across a snowy landscape . . .

Over and over . . . and over . . . my boys . . .

Navigating a snowstorm
in a rusted-out hulk of a car
whose ragtop sleeps with the fishes
is the beginning of a short story
about you . . . and not you . . .

You are about to empty
your deleted items folder . . .

You are about to knock on the door
of a no-longer empty room . . .

A reader reading about a reader
looks up . . . over his bifocals . . .
His bifocals reflect images
which tell of
lost time and lost loves . . .

A round-robin reunites players
with their parts . . .
The immensity of missing pieces
is enough to enjamb the patterns on a chessboard . . .

The white player is checked . . .

The remainder numbs . . .

You bump it up to the next level . . .
There are seven . . .
You are fed a lie . . . and enter a funhouse
with walls of mirrors . . .
Your crinoline costume speaks in tongues . . .
A tale of two . . .
going up . . . going down . . . going . . . going . . .

back to the back to the back to the . . .

In the distance . . . distortion . . .

If not for distortion, then? . . .

Trying to salvage the moment
or the memory of a moment
or the moment of a memory . . .

you return to . . . an empty room . . .

If on a winter's night a traveler . . .

Thursday, December 3, 2020

Screen Dump 533

3D printing the monkeyBarr translates
into a nocturnal emission of guilt . . .
Parties party around a monolith . . .
It zigzags . . . hems and haws . . .
morphs into a two-party playdate
with the them-that-do-not-got . . .
Other monoliths spring up . . .
A winter storm watch checks in
to a no-tell motel in Houston . . .
We have a problem . . .
A masked man unmasks
and is brought down . . .
You tram home . . . disembodied . . .
sidestepping Jeopardy sans Alex . . .
a sad entry
into the deaths be not proud . . .
What’s the point of it all? . . .
What makes us TikTok? . . .
You watch the I Tawt I Taw a Puddy Tat episode
of The Sopranos . . .
Tony, Paulie Walnuts, and Silvio
whack FBI informant
Salvatore "Big Pussy" Bonpensiero
on a yacht in the Atlantic
with enough balls and whistles
to resink the Titanic
with tantric popsicles
for those displaying
their homespun compassion . . .
He was one of their oldest friends . . .
but he betrayed them . . .
Is that it? . .  Is that all there is? . . .
On YouTube, a 97-year-old philosophy professor
concludes after a lifetime of asking questions
that there is no point . . .

Oblio & Arrow from Harry Nilsson's 1971 The Point