Saturday, July 24, 2021

Screen Dump 574

You collect blow-ins from magazines for collages
of skateboarders shredding abandoned screenplays . . .
Curators off-camera interview orphans
in Adirondack chairs . . . connecting the dots
to the nonsensical as if in response to What did you expect? . . .
But it's all there . . . well, sort of . . .
Your fascination with figuration
your writing between the lines
walking the dunes to the lighthouse
during low tide's non-credit course
which you audited as if the brittle microfiche
would point a finger at incompleters
who partied with odysseyites
before disappearing in a late-model non-sequitur . . .
Then it was back to the blue screen
with Miles playing Bill Evans's Blue In Green
making it a loss for words . . .
Besides, this time next year will be the same time this year . . .
You can't not imagine how . . . how the heavens opened
and post-impressionists weighed in
with a muted palette 
while a storm waited at the blue in green light
prepping us for tomorrow's time trial . . .

David Benoliel

Monday, July 19, 2021

Screen Dump 573

After that there was little left to say
especially with the rain . . . which fell
past the place settings . . .
Instead of bailing, you disappeared
into the anomalies of time
but now you're back in the middle of an aria . . .
Quite providential, yes? . . .
There have been days of high drama
with few breaks in the dialogue
which made its way along some coastal route
pinned with tourist traps . . .
The filming continues . . .
especially the avatars of time and place
as if in the heart of darkness someone said
Thanks for the memories . . .
You had asked for the full catastrophe
and were taken aback by the preponderance
of rehearsals . . . all for the better one would hope . . .

David Benoliel

Thursday, July 15, 2021

Screen Dump 572

The discrepancy rang in for the mandatory eight
while you . . . and your shopping cart . . . continued to check
for underlines which would have fit in very nicely . . .
It's really too early to say
but I would urge you to go ahead
before the principals leave the stage for the coda . . .
Have you encouraged others? . . .
Has the segue arrived? . . .
It would indeed be a coup if . . . and only then I might add . . .
So . . . the apps did the trick, yes? . . .
Were the blue books collected mid stream? . . .
Someone came forward gushing appreciation
which is always a hat trick
conjecturing this and that as if tomorrow was yesterday . . .

Peter Lindbergh

Sunday, July 11, 2021

Screen Dump 571

It's not about getting it all down
again feeding your obsession 
a mirroring of psyches
(whatever that means) . . .
Now is not as good a time as any . . .
Your aim is off . . .
The rain . . . a narrow gauge
through backstories
in back alleys all but spent . . .
Odysseyites stocking up on staples
for wintering the summer
at the shore . . . their notebooks
street smart and ready for
close encounters with figments
of  consciousness
hurled out of second floor windows . . .
Insist on paper and pencil
for up close and personals . . .

Maciej Boryna

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Intermission Piano

Your cousins are in the water.
But you're not.
You're playing intermission piano
on this early July morning
that's just beginning to heat up:
the sand just starting to sting
the voices of your cousins
just starting to get louder.
So you're playing intermission piano
on this early July morning
because sometimes the water is just too cold
sometimes your cousins play just a little too rough.
Intermission piano.
It's kinda scary.
Walking the edge without a musical score
going on what Frank O'Hara called nerve
when he talked about being chased
by someone with a knife.
Intermission piano.
On this early July morning.
So it's good that grandma's here
on the beach
in her housedress
with her beach chair.
And it's good that she's invited you
to sit on her lap for a while
watch your cousins in the water
and slowly wade into the day.

Sunday, July 4, 2021

Screen Dump 570

Buying time to rethink the restoration . . .
When last was just before
and you laid out specs for go-betweens
knowing the endpoint would fade . . .
Now you can . . .
I had hoped to make it back in time . . .
The dream has too many doors
of different colors
and you keep ringing the bell
channeling odysseyites
populating the wakes of dead friends
who remain connected . . .
I want to transcribe your genes
but you skip beats
leaving several in an empty parking lot . . .
The last time was the last time . . .
although with the so-called rebirth
it seems as if we will be able to . . .
I hope so . . . I really do . . .
The printer's cartridge is empty
and the kiosk on the corner is a hog barn . . .
You have been put on hold . . .

Nicholas Cage in Pig (2021)