Thursday, December 30, 2021

Screen Dump 597

Your memories avalanche . . . their redundancy
taking you by the hand . . . misleading you
through the maze of your heart's back alleys . . .
How not to personify the habitual . . .
goofy shifts and the beauty of the clunk close to convincing you
to dispense with the endgame . . . the proper
though not necessarily acceptable solution . . .
A plague of hideous narcissists enters
full of sound and fury
local littlenesses piggybacked with false promises
take to the streets with anarchic images
from the backpacks of recognizable strangers
who are quick to trade identities
signifying nothing . . .
A contrabass flutist strikes a dischord
and is recalibrated by a wandering minimalist
intent on delusion . . .
The night puts out feelers . . .
Many experience a faux aha . . .
You see it coming despite your backward glance . . .

Paulina Otylie Surys

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Screen Dump 596

Something about the web of indifference . . .
No retelling the clutch . . . it was there . . . you were there
as if tap dancing in the bardo . . .
Then you dropped the ball . . . outstripping silence . . .
Odysseyites began speaking from hard-won experience . . .
You Ubered home at 1:30 AM
playing stopgap with a year's reprieve
dust bunnies cavorting . . .
Why bother the naiveté of Positively Fourth Street? . . .
You have no faith to lose
in your celebrated future waking life . . .
Can you recap anything? . . .
Is there a documentarian? . . . a videographer? . . .
You are repainting the rooms . . . yes, I understand . . .
The cake was indeed left out in the rain . . . period . . .

Monika Ekiert Jezusek

Friday, December 3, 2021

Screen Dump 595

On bed or sofa . . . you adjust the volume
to accompany your departure
the departure of others . . .
The stillness captured
epic tales of whiteouts
hunkered down . . . waiting . . .
So now is the time to hoard it in your heart? . . .
Again and again . . .
Let's broach continuity
for the sake of . . . for the sake of what?  . . .
It sounds fishy doesn't it? . . .
I mean when was the last time you opened
a how-to with bits and pieces a-plenty? . . .
Should we go on? . . .
dump everything into a disambiguation machine
and see what happens? . . .
Maybe it'll surprise us . . . though I doubt it
what with the transparency
mottled at that . . .
Bloom of happenstance . . . then the close . . .

Shannon Hartman in Ill Seen Ill Said by Samuel Beckett (2017)