Thursday, November 16, 2023

Screen Dump 729

Blue-lined notebooks fat with FAQs sideswipe
with indifference . . .
You deconstruct backstreets
and hang out at a kiosk,
the one with BOGOs of pics
of your former selves -
some then . . . some now -
sorting through fragments
of what might have been . . .
the read-through pristine yet unconvincing
as if bell lappers knew all along
your retreat into the backdrop . . .
There will be additions which you will fail
to anticipate . . . gorging yourself on hasbeens . . .
captivating onlookers with pretense
your costume re-engaging the opening masterfully . . .

Antonio Palmerini

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Screen Dump 728

Is this why you rise early, brimming with alterations? . . .
Little matter . . . no one will be duped . . .
Nothing incidental here in the foundry of stamped emotion . . .
You can examine it, dissect it, take it for a walk . . .
without recrimination . . . without regret . . .
leaving indelible - and very real - turnabouts
for those who feel nothing about feeling nothing . . .

Antonio Palmerini

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Screen Dump 727

And you in the ungraspable somewhere
flopping down on a couch
grabbing the remote
leaping intuitively to the ending you must have . . .
these mere players playing their parts
their table-reads off the grid
between the lines
flying by the seat of their pants
scenes colliding, mounting to confusion . . .
The moment to moment . . .
Drafting the incense of homecoming
as you follow the directions . . .
the rights and lefts
climb the stairs, review your notes
one last time before entering . . .

Antonio Palmerini

Monday, November 13, 2023

Screen Dump 726

Your younger self on a dirt bike pulls up to a light
and the cameras roll into the next decade with ins and outs
tumbling through the paper drifts of assignments . . .
That was when you repainted your room
with your altered ego
leaving a memory of special effects in a milk truck
before dawn's early light . . .
The cavalcade of costumes was well worth the tag team takedown
when eyes wide shut for unknown reasons
stepped in from another season of reruns . . .
The confusion addictive
but then we were all in the mix of Mother Jones . . .
the Dickinsonian obliquesness
conducive to auditioning for different roles . . .
a shoo-in for this and that . . . this and that . . .

Antonio Palmerini

Monday, November 6, 2023

Screen Dump 725

Your spectrum of entanglements
continues to tickle comings and goings
Roman numerals stacked
fleeing into an anxious canyon
of choral meanderings
memories flooding the stairwell
evoked by the tracks on your mixtape . . .
You're checking out playlists
trying to throw light on the passage of time . . .
fragmentary dreamscapes
draw you in . . .
You've been tagged for a workgroup . . .
the behind-the-scenes incidence of intimacy . . .
It happens, yes? . . .
The days into weeks into months into years . . .
grasping at fillers to avert the inevitable? . . .
Sitting there,  smiling,
your tongue unleashed from its moorings . . .
unctuous in its wake . . .
as if regression took the wheel from some roadie
when, at the last misstep, you decide
to stay a while . . .

Antonio Palmerini