Monday, March 18, 2024

Screen Dump 747

Your rhyming dictionary is off the grid
cluttered with words
you meant to Uber . . .
Buybackers stream . . . yet another example
of wardrobe anxiety from your out-and-about days
of celebrity passcodes . . .
This will begin . . . and this too will begin . . .
dreamscapes overshadowing your vintage items . . .
Regressing to some well-worn route
leading to a floor-through apartment
filled with the clarity of your mirror image
warms on the back burner . . .
Nothing is ready for you . . .
Nothing will be ready for you . . .
Appointments are backed into double wides . . .
This is not new . . . consolation prizes
leak language barriers . . . a throwback to the days
you shopped for muffled noises
only to be disappointed by more days of exceptions . . .
or expectations, whatever . . .

Antonio Palmerini