Thursday, May 16, 2024

Screen Dump 761

You recall Anne Carson on swimming:
. . . smoothing out the strokes in water filled with anxieties:
You can fail it with each stroke.
What does that mean, fail it? . . .
The poet, John Ashbery, blocked, envisioned
three empty oblong boxes to fill with words . . .
He dipped into The Cloud of Unknowing . . .
You like this idea and decide to try it . . .
filling a container with words
and whipping them into a poem . . .
Finding your way in a forest of well-crafted similes . . .
the rationales we muster . . .
What are you talking about? . . .
You know, to pass muster . . .
But is it that easy? . . .
No, not easy, there are huge holes . . .
yes, holes, that could trip you up
so that you'd have to start over again . . . Sisyphean . . . 
especially now, with the final station coming into view . . .
Nonetheless, . . .

Leila Forés

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Screen Dump 760

Illusory at best, yes? . . .
This freedom of treading the remains of the day
caressing costumes
pocketing smiles
not unlike a silent film
where the audience can see what the actors cannot . . .
Gawking at the exhibit
within the resilience of a gift shop
an oasis ensconced in the rude . . .
later mapping the yellow brick road
perhaps indefinitely
noting the binge of history
as a way to memorialize your having been here . . .
convincing the watcher at the gate that your words
are suitcased and ready for a weekend getaway . . .

Leila Forés

Monday, May 13, 2024

Screen Dump 759

As if at one remove . . . transcribing
the moment to moment with reverse innuendo . . .
a reason for everything
a reason for the body
a reason for the body of the other . . .
Squeezing through an eastern window
the process beginning years ago
adding language's decrepitude to the mix
of polishing a lens . . . a lens to better see . . .
To better see what? . . .
To better see anything . . . everything . . .
and look, there's even room for more . . .
Do you expect the end as predicted? . . .
howling through a nor'easter
(kidding, but how about if it were) . . .
then struggling to get the words right . . . 
another backstory arriving on the 1:05
with conspicuous palettes to color whatever 'scapes
you have prepared a pitch for . . .

Leila Forés


Friday, May 10, 2024

 Screen Dump 86

(reposted from Wednesday, June 11, 2014)

You enter a room . . . forget why . . . read . . . then not . . .
The dumbness of the day . . .
of putting one word in front of the other
of putting your hands in your pockets
of putting your hands in their pockets . . .
The intimation of intimacy . . .
of finding someone's clothes in your closet
of finding someone on the other side of the bed . . .
Have you forgotten about the tickets . . .
the quart of milk . . . low-fat . . .
the gestures . . . out of balance . . . of yet another day? . . .

The loneliness of long distance runners . . .
the scent of green filling your nostrils . . .
You can't wait . . . to tell someone . . .
To re-string the instrument . . . unplayed for far too long . . .
A question of sooner or later . . .
Your own wish to become a blankness . . . forestalled . . .

Saskia de Brauw

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Screen Dump 758

You practice your lines in a two-way mirror
plagiarizing last night's notes
ghosts escaping into the semantic other
balancing tongues
at least believing such
that this is the way you have learned
to manage the world . . .
to manage you in the world . . .
Something will come undone . . .
You will then fondle happy moments
lipsyncing the middle of a chapter
from your childhood's diorama
carried along by the current . . .
your grocery list sheepishly revealing the answer 
to a question you have yet to ask . . .
the neighborhood's scammed
as odysseyites fill their foreigns with ancient myths . . .

Kate Barry

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Screen Dump 757

Your earlier self inhabits the body . . .
A trolley on a back street searches for passengers
who were meant to be elsewhere . . .
You'd better not hear me say that! . . .
the weird aftertaste when you at least tried . . .
then the green of a standin
asleep in the other room . . .
Yes, perhaps the endgame
which if nothing else will stoke the confusion . . .
Someone will be kicked to the curb
before the overflow is reckoned with
and rendered inconsequential . . .
You began the conversation on a positive note . . .
a concert A? . . .
yes, that's it, you said, recognizing
the ramifications of a lost lyric
in the early morning, no, no, not that,
it wasn't that, I'm sure . . .
It's not about making the cut
the call and response . . . that sort of thing
reconfigured from audio files
dropped off at a transfer station . . .
It's about a musical suite in a stand of pines . . .
Can you imagine the confusion
of a left turn . . . then another . . . and another? . . .
Nervous motion, head jerks, tics, shouts . . .
The sinister recording of happenstance
followed by a rewind, a retelling . . .

Eva Torkarchuk