Thursday, June 20, 2024

Screen Dump 764

You were shrunk by a shrink in a pop-up
during a blow-out BOGO sale
words flying off shelves
into Dharma bowls
prepped by line cooks for enlightenment . . .
presentation is everything, yes? . . .
There was a time . . . I mean . . .
not sure what I mean . . .
without the script, perhaps? . . .
your one wild and precious life
walking Commercial Street
past Mary Oliver's ghost
sitting outside her oceanfront cottage
then on to the other end
Stanley Kunitz's tiered garden
snakes dangling head-down, entwined
in a brazen love-knot . . .
the tide lapping the Provincetown Inn
with memories of the Moors . . .
more than a bit raffish . . .
presided over by Scooter, the pet owl . . .
There is no other life . . .
Gary Snyder's homage
to log truck drivers:
In the high seat, before-dawn dark,
Polished hubs gleam
And the shiny diesel stack
warms and flutters
Up the Tyler Road grade
To the logging on Poorman creek.
Thirty miles of dust.
There is no other life . . . indeed . . .
This to be archived for odysseyites
in a reconfigured deconsecrated chapel
near Portofino, Italy . . .

Anja Niemi

Friday, June 14, 2024

Screen Dump 763

As if the movie was afraid . . .
so in the first episode
this face . . . and you're thinking
take this face through the whole movie
but nope, you're tossed into a dark room
writing over your writing
because you can't see . . .
words like dictation
the rain in Spain gives you wet brain . . .
Now you're worrying about remembering
to google unclogging a drain . . .
It's like that
the obliqueness
trying to fit it all into some designated,
predetermined framework . . .
The delusion of illusion, yes? . . .
and you're riffing on the responsibility
of the artist not to look away . . .
to render what to you is real . . .
But it's late, really late
for these visitors . . . these night stalkers
too late to be assailed
by the critic at the gate . . .
Too many weary heads
dislocating too many weary shoulders . . .

Carmen Watkins

Monday, June 3, 2024

Screen Dump 762

Lion-obsessed Venetian iconographies
the size of Montana
crowd your nightscapes . . .
animals hiding in twisted sheets
swipe smartphones . . .
walleyed tourists board water-buses
to carry them to paintings
displayed salon-style from floor to ceiling . . .
The neighborhood Carl Jung
at the wheel of a Ferrari
cruises you on your bimonthly talking cure
collecting your unconscious
to pry open the shyness
that smacks you back
to the darkness of OCD . . .
You enjoy these costumey affairs
with their pretend puddings
and freedom from counting syllables . . .
It's all theater, yes? . . . well, maybe not
but we won't know until the credits scroll
and critics email their reviews
to odysseyites waiting to board . . .

Monika Ekiert Jezusek