Screen Dump 767
You worry language and drama-splicing . . .
the abracadabra-ness of the day
as Walmarteers stuffed with colorways
bottleneck roundabouts . . .
It's summer . . . waters are being tested . . .
You’ve streamed the beaches with an eye on binge-reading
the short stories in the Canon
beginning with John Cheever's The Swimmer
starring Burt Lancaster as Ned Merrill
in skin tight trunks
swimming across the county
in neighbors' pools
but it's fragmenting because Burt
is throttling a steam locomotive in The Train
which pit him as French Resistance-member Paul Labiche
against German Colonel Franz von Waldheim
played by Paul Scofield,
who is trying to move stolen art by train to Germany . . .
In the final scene
von Waldheim stays with the derailed train
crammed with crates labeled with the names of artists . . .
Labiche appears . . .
Von Waldheim mocks Labiche as artless . . .
Labiche shoots von Waldheim . . .
Percy Shelley and his wife Mary
a wild-eyed young redhead
backpack stuffed with Frankenstein
enter as if on cue . . .
the lone and level sands stretching far away . . .