Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Screen Dump 793 

You would think not wouldn’t you? . . .
especially in those moments
when you're imagining a quartet of abstractions
posing as the four seasons
on the Outer Banks
while in this big rig
you are being strip-searched
by a string of tangled marionettes
who couldn't care less
about your precious autofictions . . .
Time bends, yes? . . .
The smooth sailing before the plug is pulled
the plagiarized love notes
from odysseyites en route to the Gates  of Hell . . .
The voiceovers persist . . .
a discordant feed to the  rehearsal  
when you're hit with that same old same old . . . 

Antonio Palmerini

Monday, November 25, 2024

Screen Dump 792

You're trying too hard to make do with whatever
was brought to bear on the latest makeshift . . .
Of course this will go down and then it won't . . .
comparison shopping breeds confusion . . .
you've seen evasions rippling through
as the shoals of vexation mutate into a muddled equation . . .
Impressionable temporaries, yes? . . .
with moments of grammar drilling down
and then the main attraction appears as if . . .

Antonio Palmerini


Sunday, November 24, 2024

Screen Dump 791

Your halter top loosens for a motorcycle working
through the gears of epistemology
as if the nothing in the epic is worth mulling over . . .
Generations of mimes have done this
for outpatients who in sultry moments
defer to traffic signals coded to lie . . .
AI for all, yes? . . .
Yeats appears in a side street black Subaru
to advance yardage as specced in the last episode . . .
perhaps the last episode as we wander
across the mind's moors singlehandedly
expecting closure . . . but noone will be there . . .
Can you imagine the anticipation
at this time of year when all by default are bemoaning? . . .
Forget it, the creek has embraced a perpetual shudder . . .
The facades with their onomatopoeias
capturing moments on the fly as is so often the wish . . .
Understanding will arrive in a Cybertruck
as you remove your Uggs
to enter a marsh in search of the assignment . . .
Yes, you're hoping an enhancement . . .
And if it doesn't, you will still be able to scroll . . .

Antonio Palmerini

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Screen Dump 790

Your dream in a dream, shifting down, recalibrating . . .
the shoulders seductive
their angularities mesmeric . . .
Vendors arrive, and fishmongers . . .
Wine glasses mingle . . .
Bangles promise other worlds . . .
And now you're crossing the street,
and she's asking . . . something? . . .
Sit down on this bench, please, take a break, rewind the tape . . .
Meanwhile, in the park, The Life of Pi . . .

Antonio Palmerini

Sunday, November 10, 2024

Screen Dump 789

Artifactuals like cluster fly innuendos . . .
suitcases left open . . .
Never again, yes? . . .
You are adamant about hyperbolic clickbait
stretching late night moments
into roundabouts
with red double-decker buses
checking overdue promises that once held . . .
And only now you worry the elements? . . .
First paint a cage with an open door . . .
Your books fester
raking words for combinations of letters . . .
The UPS truck will see you now . . .

Antonio Palmerini

Friday, November 1, 2024

Screen Dump 788

You ignore repetitions . . . fractals . . .
an infinity of repeats
and squeeze into a backbend . . .
departures circling in a rattletrap
as if and only if the unloved
forgotten . . . momentarily . . .
surge to forgiveness . . .
How many times will the times beckon
intimating disposable
without really thinking it through . . .
not unlike Wittgenstein's
If a lion could speak . . .
The probabilities at the table
in the windowless room
plastered with Vermeers
sometimes go viral
when bad stuff happens
and people want to confirm their confusion
or mystify their position . . .
Too precious . . .
Choose small in big
and with that the elements of chance . . .
Of course, you may lust . . . out of desperation . . .
watching sculls turn the stake
in an oil by Eakins . . . and You Are There
with Walter . . . Sunday evenings
at seven . . . always . . .

Wanda Choate