Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Screen Dump 800

The day seethes algorithms . . .
ifs ands buts
its own talk-talk about all this . . .
the coding reprehensible
the need to fill in the blanks
with how-tos surfacing then receding
pulsating with an indifference
as if grasping at the straws of forgiveness . . .
It's not so much the illusion of indiscretions
colored for the moment
but something else, something ill-conceived . . .
Not the first time, yes? . . .
No, not the first time . . .
Dismayed by the lines
yet afraid of getting caught . . .
Getting caught? . . .
Yes, getting caught in a lie . . .
Not sold on that idea, at least for now . . .
Blaming yourself . . . hating yourself
you begin thinking
there must be a better way
mired as you are in autofiction . . .
Think about the medieval craftsmen
whose meticulousness is evident
even in the most hidden places of church pews . . .

Scarlet Rivera

Monday, December 16, 2024

Screen Dump 799

You doubled in spiked heels with a wooden
Louisville Slugger followed by a double header
for oglers-in-training . . . the gearbox
of your Suzuki mimicking the Uggs
you carried in your backpack
for occasional rock-a-days
shredding dirt bikes under the Passaic Falls
as bewildered as pointers in a perfumery
their words baseball trading cards
holding tickets to a Saturday Creature Double Feature
rarely searching for lost time 
as memorialized by a closeted deadhead
scalping instructions for Around the World with a Yo-yo . . .
The passing of notes in your cube
trialed the lifespan of Bics, scribbling spam
for residents of Williams's Ghost Town
awestruck by the pediatrician's It's all in the ear . . .
You journeyed elsewhere with a Moleskine notebook
capturing comments from the fringe . . .
your never-ending tour rivaling Rimbaud's Illuminations . . .
There were moments when it seemed to all come together
but those were dreamscapes from a Five & Dime
that shipped closeouts to dugouts
when security was busy resetting cameras
while superimposing fairytale footage for power trippers . . .
It turned out to be the luck of the draw . . .

Eva Tokarchuk

Sunday, December 15, 2024

Screen Dump 798

Your medieval wall hangings talk the talk
for fact-checkers . . . opportunists
firing up fire pits . . . preachy-like . . .
If it comes off . . . and well, I mean,
when was the last time that dropped? . . . 
not unlike the whiteout
that made driving crazy
for tagalongs from other times, other worlds . . .
You found magic in the lower forty
asking directions
which prompted questions
from passersby rubbernecking in disbelief . . .

Eva Tokarchuk

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Screen Dump 797

Your irresponsibility was sharp and gorgeous
with inconspicuous chords
that stayed the complexity of the moment
which you mentioned looked you in the eye
before settling elsewhere . . .
Quite fascinating, yes? . . .
This moment caught on tape
in the land of painful blisses . . .
Bricks will merge with sand
leaving others sipping tea
while scrolling through terms of endearment
for ohhs and ahhs . . .
It seems all the same . . .
these striped ventures loaded with guilty pleasures
seducing implants with aromatic codes
written late at night by amanuenses on leave . . .

Antonio Palmerini

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Screen Dump 796

You're removing persons of interest
from the two-way mirror in your room . . .
The decision is pretense . . .
Several will chime in with ghost bubbles . . .
The bath works wonders
but please be careful not to overdo it
especially when the plug is pulled . . .
Your smartphone has gone radio silent
while interrogators make their way
along the Street of Crocodiles
with other reconfigured short stories
eager to disappoint . . .
The disinterest unsettles . . .
An iceburg moment, no doubt,
trying to savor the latest vintage
with concomitant misspellings . . .

Eugenio Recuenco

Monday, December 9, 2024

Screen Dump 795

You invent words in a secret garden
where you can walk and talk to yourself
without your mobile . . .
You owe it to others to approach exultation . . .
Can you lose the punctuation?  . . .
Can you ever be alone? . . .
Open mics replace your words
to begin the game of on-and-on . . .
Your hair will commence momentarily . . .
this and that . . . this and that . . .

Laura Zalenga

Thursday, December 5, 2024

Screen Dump 794

You're talking rinky-dink geometries
for future listeners of Symphony No. 7
in A major . . . Allegretto . . .
endless drive-throughs of muted thoughts
while shuffling pages for reenactors . . . 
jotting embellishments
which one can only hope will carry the theme
to the next apotheosis in the score . . .
Cutting the deck proves nothing . . .
the cards jumping through the hoops of b-ball
for insomniacs boggling smartphone screens
rhapsodically nightmarish . . .
You want to believe in running the changes
laid out in microtones
as if auditionees crowding the wings for a chance
to enter a reminiscence will be given the go-ahead . . .

Monika Ekiert Jezusek