Tuesday, February 11, 2025

So I dumped my screen dumps into ChatGPT & got this reDump:

Worrying the linearity of it all . . .
Yet why embellish, twist the truth? . . .
Alright, so we’re all in on the trickery
of collapsing the distance between screen and self,
where nothing is truly as it seems -
as declared by those observing from the shadows . . .
the frozen breath of autumn clinging to the world . . .
But this puddle of prose still makes its way, yes? . . .
You see it, I see it, we all see it . . .
The fox moves easily through the frost
its coat, sleek and well-suited for winter’s bite . . .
Yet your voice, though layered, is fragile
tending to crack . . . much like Proust
dreaming of madeleine crumbs on the edge of memory . . .
Perhaps a subtlety hidden deep within
the algorithms of the next app update
or perhaps it’s the recurring rhythm of something else -
a subway car grinding through the quiet tunnels
hauling your restless thoughts from stop to stop . . .
Naturally, it’s all about perspective -
the point of view shifting like Joyce’s stream of consciousness
where words drift, ready to withdraw their invitation . . .


Friday, February 7, 2025

Screen Dump 802

Troubling yourself over the chronology of events . . .
But why the embellishments? . . .
OK, so the use of fourth-wall-pulverizing techniques
currently in vogue . . . bare bones judged idiomatically,
as announced, by the watchers at the gate . . .
the mortuary silence of winter . . .
But this cesspool of a script squeezed through, yes? . . .
You know it . . . we all know it . . .
Deer don't seem to mind the snow much
since their hair is hollow and a very good insulator . . .
But your words, though camouflaged, are spindly . . .
prone to slippage . . . not unlike Mallarmé
holding a cigar in his hand
for Manet's portrait of him . . . 
Doubtless, a subtlety in Microsoft's latest release . . .
and the eventual re-opening engaging the clickety-clack
of the train with its nightmarish boxcars on the trestle . . .
Of course, the focalization or fragmentation
in Woolf's To the Lighthouse . . . words bobbing along
eager to terminate your membership . . .

Antonio Palmerini

Friday, January 31, 2025

 Screen Dump 532

(reposted from Thursday, November 26, 2020)

In watermelon sugar the deeds were done and done again
as my life is done in watermelon sugar.
          - Richard Brautigan

The iterations in needle towers lining the streets
trouble redundancy with their button-downess
and lucrative curbs . . . You sought monasticism
and safety and time off . . . eschewing the chatter
of masked players mired in the foibles
of middle and end games . . . escorting regret
at a moment's notice . . . Shocking, yes? . . .
the mess of moves that arrived with the pizza . . .
a meals-on-wheels sort of gig . . .
about to hold forth when your bishop pinned my queen
in watermelon sugar . . . and that was that . . .
We could consult the tale of the tape, I suppose . . .

Queen's Gambit Anya Taylor-Joy

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Screen Dump 801

As if traversing Wordle's words
on a walking pad
through a supermarket's aisles of innuendoes
all life long . . . all life long . . .
An ancient pipe organ with meantone tuning
all stops pulled
encrypted with comforter
and mug of Kuchika tea . . .
a passing fancy seeps into the day
drifting into the free-floating white . . .
The fray awaits your arrival . . .
The Late Middle Ages? . . .
The revamp? . . .
Why now? . . .
The shakedown . . . a faded fiction . . . explanatory . . .
The opening scene . . . muted, yes? . . .
The Director's cut . . . a fashionista's foreplay . . .
with outtakes no less
to make do with the trancelike snow . . .
Indeed, the polyphony suits . . .

Kali Malone