Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Screen Dump 801

Your fixation on the Late Middle Ages
is a game of chance
a game of choice
an ancient pipe organ with meantone tuning
all stops pulled
encrypted with comforter
and mug of Kuchika tea
a passing fancy managing your latest coup
as it drifts into the free-floating white
the fray awaiting your arrival . . .
You traverse Wordle's words on a walking pad
resonating with a supermarket's aisles of innuendoes
all life long . . . all life long . . .
Your plans revamped . . . again . . .
The shakedown . . . a faded fiction . . . explanatory . . .
The opening scene muted . . .
The Director's cut . . . the real deal, I suppose, yes? . . .
a fashionista's foreplay . . . with outtakes no less
to make do with the trancelike snow's shadowy minimalism . . .
Indeed, the polyphony suits you . . .

Kali Malone