Friday, January 31, 2025

 Screen Dump 532

(reposted from Thursday, November 26, 2020)

In watermelon sugar the deeds were done and done again
as my life is done in watermelon sugar.
          - Richard Brautigan

The iterations in needle towers lining the streets
trouble redundancy with their button-downess
and lucrative curbs . . . You sought monasticism
and safety and time off . . . eschewing the chatter
of masked players mired in the foibles
of middle and end games . . . escorting regret
at a moment's notice . . . Shocking, yes? . . .
the mess of moves that arrived with the pizza . . .
a meals-on-wheels sort of gig . . .
about to hold forth when your bishop pinned my queen
in watermelon sugar . . . and that was that . . .
We could consult the tale of the tape, I suppose . . .

Queen's Gambit Anya Taylor-Joy

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Screen Dump 801

As if traversing Wordle's words
on a walking pad
through a supermarket's aisles of innuendoes
all life long . . . all life long . . .
An ancient pipe organ with meantone tuning
all stops pulled
encrypted with comforter
and mug of Kuchika tea . . .
a passing fancy seeps into the day
drifting into the free-floating white . . .
The fray awaits your arrival . . .
The Late Middle Ages? . . .
The revamp? . . .
Why now? . . .
The shakedown . . . a faded fiction . . . explanatory . . .
The opening scene . . . muted, yes? . . .
The Director's cut . . . a fashionista's foreplay . . .
with outtakes no less
to make do with the trancelike snow . . .
Indeed, the polyphony suits . . .

Kali Malone