Friday, March 7, 2025

Screen Dump 809

The future catwalks an ultramarine puffer jacket . . .
Fast forward to destabilization
adjusting the required rhymes apart from the action . . .
You have immersed yourself in totemism . . .
Copies of postproduction notes
have been distributed to those on the brink . . .
So it's back to the basics, I suppose . . .
In no time, ashes . . . at the wellhead of a dream . . .
You don't want to call, trust me . . .
Confiding to a few intimates
will stem the tide of what, I'm not sure anymore . . .
Once captivating, now drudgery . . .
There are far too many shifts in this faux drama
meandering across the busy boulevard
spotted with coding samples from the latest release . . .
Take the funny and run, yes? . . .

Laura Zalenga

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Screen Dump 808

So Double-Double-Toil-and-Stubble
takes the stage to assure the Academy
that he won't be egregious
acknowledging with record-setting windbaggery
that it can all go away . . .
His chewing gum thrown into a bath
of lemon and eucalyptus catalysts
begs a raging crisp outlined situation room . . .
uprooting doomed lovers
slumpingly caressing each scene
at the ruins of Ramesses II . . .
The red carpet frayed . . .
Acceptance speeches vaporized . . .
You too seem unsure of your lines
which regrettably is not all that uncommon
in these days of AI scripting
with writers and editors and influencers
tripping over one another
to comply with those signing their per diems . . .

Ramesses II

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Screen Dump 807

You spent the morning scrubbing histories
of suburban notifications which seemed to have popped up
overnight in network logs . . .
AI spillage and then again what was it? . . .
You could have queried the odysseyites
who were eager to feather their maps with minutiae
spellbinding summit seekers . . .
You unfriended a chat by recounting the experience
of closing various gaps awash with celebratory shifts
to the astonishment of those in the antechamber
queuing up for the virtual red carpet . . .

Ellen von Unwerth

Monday, March 3, 2025

Screen Dump 806

Despite the after-hours rehearsals
there was never an overnight
just a quick wherewithal
and you were out . . . and about . . .
The flesh overrated, yes? . . .
And with that a different costume
supporting an expression of calm . . .
Surreal of calm, perhaps? . . .
No hint of disbelief . . . nope . . .
good, I suppose if you're determined
to argue a rewrite . . .
At least that's what was intimated . . .

Ellen von Unwerth

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Screen Dump 805

And now they've returned to their respective lives . . .
The dry brush technique may save the canvas
and open a door to a more genial interpretation of events . . .
Over and over again, the enchantment
brought everyone together . . .
You worry the bluntness of your new bob
but those arguments are insinuations
foreshadowing a sequence of ups and downs . . .
And what about the yellow tux? . . .
Such a shame to have jettisoned the BLT . . .
Was it part of your weight-loss mantra? . . .
I think your proportions marvel exactitude
of whatever was implied by that intrusive handle . . .
Forewarned, you stopped just short
of the nomenclature waiting in the siding
for the proposed locomotive
to accept the consolation prize . . .
Take it, yes, take it . . .
Now you're back in front of the class
with your trigonometric underpinnings
which have a history of wowing counterinsurgents
on leave in the high peaks
managing silence with admirable refrain . . .
Yet another cardboard castle nestled in the wood . . .

Ellen von Unwerth

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Screen Dump 804

Excerpting obituaries might yield a clue
to the ornamentation favored by those
who think they're in the know . . .
The dry illumination will not help
despite what you've heard . . .
Sadly, they are no wiser for it . . .
You want to cut short the conversation? . . .
That could compromise the data
you've agreed to share . . . but I suppose
that happens more than we'd like to admit . . .
Falling as it does into the infinitesimal hole
in our consciousness, to plummet headlong
into the twenty-thousand leagues of notes . . .
A Captain Nemo type was found floating along
in an alphabetical undercurrent . . .
This has to be yet another wake-up call . . .

Hannes Caspar