The Phonetics of Ukuleles: Revamp Three
I would rather have a Gucci bag than a poem.
- Chelsey Minnis
Too funny is too funny . . .
Stephen Colbert's too funny is too funny . . .
Sometimes . . .
Too funny can turn on you like an angry pit bull . . .
An angry pit bull guarding a grow room . . .
Stephen Colbert can turn on you like an angry pit bull . . .
The ukulele beneath your window . . .
The ukulele player beneath your window . . .
He/she can be too funny . . .
He/she can turn on you like an angry pit bull . . .
Whispering sweet nothings in your bad ear . . .
An angry pit bull playing a ukulele . . . beneath your window . . .
whispering sweet nothings in your bad ear . . .
Or . . . into a cornfield . . .
Greengrocers in a cornfield with a television crew . . .
A mini-series . . . or docudrama . . . or ukulele . . .
A docudrama about a cornfield of ukuleles . . .
Too funny is too funny . . .
Living life at a remove . . .
Too funny . . .
A smartphone . . .
A smartphone with spinning wheels . . .
A smartphone with spinning wheels can turn on you . . .
Living life at a remove from smartphones that can turn on you . . .
Equal equals too funny . . .
You can do this . . . or . . . you can do that . . . is too funny . . .
Trying to hold it together . . .
Trying to let it go . . .
A ukulele player playing
Lotto . . .
Trying to live life at a remove while playing
Lotto . . .
Trying to do the right thing . . .
Or . . . the wrong thing . . .
Or . . . trying to write a wrong ukulele . . .
Too funny . . .
Tweeting at 11 PM . . .
Ordering takeout on the subway . . .
Ordering takeout on a spinning wheel . . .
Ordering takeout on
Wheel of Fortune . . .
Pat Sajak as Stephen Colbert . . .
Too funny . . .
Nothing from nothing is
The Twilight Zone . . .
Ordering takeout on a subway . . . in
The Twilight Zone . . .
Too funny . . .
Rod Serling as Pat Sajak as Stephen Colbert . . .
as an angry pit bull . . . playing the wrong ukulele . . . at 11 PM . . .
in a cornfield . . . beneath your window . . .
The Twilight Zone . . .
Too funny can be too funny . . .