The new epoch began a few minutes ago . . .
without . . . Buy One . . . Get One . . .
without fanfare figuration or abstraction . . .
(as if those elements have something to do with it!) . . .
I too have felt the persistent drama . . .
of stalemate . . .
the appropriation and embellishment . . .
of both open and closed mics . . .
though I find it hard to imagine . . .
each of us with a common core . . .
Never forget the sodium levels of lame ducks . . .
They preceded us . . . and unrecognized . . .
they could blow clear through the roof . . .
He/she is running out the door . . . in summer pants . . .
Can you believe the aimless ceremony? . . .
The disproportionate translation? . . .
The squalor . . . marvelous . . . yet form-fitting . . .
inciting a melee among those in transition? . . .
Wendy Bevan |