Our life is a dream.
- Ludwig Wittgenstein
A dream about a mannequin who dreams about Pinocchio . . .
The conjunction qua has left the building . . .
He doesn't work here . . .
Pinocchio? . . .
We continue to worry language . . .
The way words work . . . sidetrack . . . strut . . . fade . . .
play games . . .
miss the turn . . .
get hung out to dry . . .
hang us out to dry . . .
Wittgenstein wannabes designing door handles . . .
Last night doing cardio at the gym . . .
the word conjointedness popped up in the free weight room . . .
Six-packs and six-packs . . .
You . . . lycra'd and sweaty . . .
in the first sentence of a short-short story . . .
about Pinocchio . . .
Intimidating yet intriguing . . .
Later in the parking lot . . .
you obsess over the loss of muscle mass . . . the loss of self . . .
the attribution . . .
the appropriation . . .
asking yourself if paling is inevitable . . .
Klaus Kinski as Paganini? . . . as Nosferatu? . . .
Perhaps . . .
I too am stoked by the films of Bela Tarr . . .
especially The Turin Horse . . .
which picks up where Nietzsche left off . . .
Klaus Kinski qua Nietzsche qua Wittgenstein? . . .
The conjunction qua has left the building . . .
He doesn't work here . . .
Pinocchio? . . .
We continue to worry language . . .
The way words work . . . sidetrack . . . strut . . . fade . . .
play games . . .
miss the turn . . .
get hung out to dry . . .
hang us out to dry . . .
Wittgenstein wannabes designing door handles . . .
Last night doing cardio at the gym . . .
the word conjointedness popped up in the free weight room . . .
Six-packs and six-packs . . .
You . . . lycra'd and sweaty . . .
in the first sentence of a short-short story . . .
about Pinocchio . . .
Intimidating yet intriguing . . .
Later in the parking lot . . .
you obsess over the loss of muscle mass . . . the loss of self . . .
the attribution . . .
the appropriation . . .
asking yourself if paling is inevitable . . .
Klaus Kinski as Paganini? . . . as Nosferatu? . . .
Perhaps . . .
I too am stoked by the films of Bela Tarr . . .
especially The Turin Horse . . .
which picks up where Nietzsche left off . . .
Klaus Kinski qua Nietzsche qua Wittgenstein? . . .
Beeban Kidron |