How many words in the average novel? . . .
You have mythologized your odyssey
pinned nametags on onlookers . . .
How many words in the average reader? . . .
questioning the reliability of first-person players
who keep butting in . . .
How many words in the average person? . . .
You have remade yourself . . .
How many words in the average confession? . . .
The nightmarish quality of cameos
spurs you to rethink your opening line . . .
How many words in the average day? . . .
People are just standing around . . .
How many words in the average saint? . . .
I can't stand it . . .
How many words in the average lie? . . .
How it looks in a two-way mirror . . .
How many words in the average lay? . . .
Hallmarkian? . . .
How many words in the average sentence? . . .
You refuse to be bottlenecked
by those who insist they're in the know . . .
How many words in the average rant?
Never before or nevermore . . . both . . . and then . . .
How many words in the average soliloquy? . . .
You admit to misinterpretation . . .
How many words in the average breakup? . . .
Your watching is fitful . . .
How many words in the average excuse? . . .
and your commitment is a joke . . .
How many words in the average life? . . .
Misdirection . . .
Tim Walker |