A photograph with no "punctum" to draw you in and disturb you.
- Roland Barthes
You know as well as I that the costume
trumps the standoffishness . . .
this mirror-image of the transformation . . .
a surprise . . . to many . . .
a panoply of seductiveness, if you will . . .
seduction as entrée . . .
as when Proust dips his madeleine in tea
and is transported to metaphysical reverie . . .
Who is bluffing whom? . . .
Enigmatic . . . without whom . . . yes, go on . . .
I have bicycled six crooked highways . . .
To possess in its entirety
as when asleep one possesses oneself . . .
Is that Proust again? . . .
No idea . . .
A play in three . . . no four . . . acts . . .
Reassembled for extra credit . . .
The creditors askance . . . a well of silence . . .
You enter the scene . . . somnambulistically . . .
Your cropped top . . . directing traffic . . .
The extras? . . .
Conquest or discovery? . . .
Stretching out . . . in control . . .
This will be reshaped . . .
as in I will reshape the scene . . .
Isn't it obvious that it has to be redone . . .
Put your dinner with André on hold . . .
You'll be able to assume charge . . .
able to resume . . .
able to subsume . . . if need be . . .
She was so wasted, she knocked over the dip . . .
When questioned about it . . . she lied . . .
Already indifferent . . .
as change . . .
as redundant . . .
as necessary . . .
Krzysztof Warlikowski's New Proust? |