Of course, there will be moments . . . lost moments . . .
moments with voices . . .
infrasound voices . . .
and the seventh function of language
if you catch my drift . . .
Bipolarity 'R' Us . . .
Twittering is speechless . . . it goes without saying, yes? . . .
Picking through drops . . . imagining seriation
as if happenstance were ritual . . .
The elliptical exuberance of go-betweens
who chime in at the slightest provocation . . .
It's not the endpoint I imagined . . . not at all . . .
Can you please sit still for the rapidographic moment? . . .
At least for the tabloid elements
which jostle themselves senseless? . . .
Most are stuck in enjambments . . . for that matter . . .
awaiting mediation . . .
awaiting colorization . . .
Please try to stay within the lines
or you too will feel the mounting hum . . . I mean . . .
Far too many have come forth
with iridescent confessions from odysseys past . . .
Too late? . . . Your momentary lapse is ineffectual
and will be returned . . . you weren't were you? . . .
So . . . why now persist in juxtapositions
when you know . . . better than most . . . what can happen
at the water cooler? . . . elsewhere? . . .
The repetition . . . stifling . . . or maybe not?. . .
Dunno! . . .
I've encountered it on my trips outside the strike zone
with a full count . . . and two men on . . .
Keep a stiff upper lip . . . Huh? . . .
Reduce the map to palatable units . . .
Then an end run surcease of sorrow . . .
Devil may care or (clause)trophobia . . .
This will be written up . . . and saved as diagonal grammar
in a foolishly embroidered manner . . .
and added to the menu . . . at the last minute . . .
A losing battle? . . . Who said that?. . .
Notwithstanding . . .
Everyone is getting antsy . . . over whatever . . .
The latest release . . . edifying! . . .
The imagined consensual . . . alive and well
in afterlife's timeouts . . .
in afterlife's reflections . . .
Jarek Kubicki |