You're dicking around with comma splices
trying to flesh out the ambiguity of appositives
checking prices of navel oranges and fuel oil . . .
The books on the shelf in fracture mode
stare you down, threaten to open . . .
There's a diagrammable certainty to all this
but you're having trouble putting your finger on it . . .
It's just so intricate and deliberate . . .
like winter's grip . . .
Traffic at the tray feeders jams
dislodging with a bright palette
the ennui of second-growth trees . . .
This could be about me, you, or someone else . . .
This hodgepodge of injecting meaning into the day . . .
the value of your words plummeting
given the seeming insouciance of event parking . . .
The relapse is about to relapse
with its refusal to countenance
any change in policy governing rules of grammar . . .
No doubt we'll hear more about this . . .
Antonio Palmerini |