Foundry Art
The disjointed tirades of foundry workers
awestruck by the roadbed's broad shoulders
could be heard a season away.
Locomotives were saddened.
Most of the foundry workers here
are getting nowhere fast
their pride ransacked in broad brush strokes
their enthusiasm drained by discarded sandwich boards
lamenting the end of the tunaboat.
Some have gone through the railroad crossing
and come out on the other side
sputtering on and on about it
to passersby stopped dead in their tracks.
A few have hit the streets during routine station stops
to replenish empty ice coolers
posturing for a day in the sand.
Others have returned listless with outrageous claims
known to overwhelm insomniacs at two AM.
Far too many have taken the true vanishing point.
The latest retiree did
and couldn't wait to have at the gifts
before planning another trip to the shore
where folding chairs await lost pilots
tingling with the possibility
of latching onto a tremendous fish.