Backstory Alice Deposed
Numbers. Their coming-together.
Their commingling. I loved it.
Positive and negative numbers.
Big and small numbers. Real and
imaginary numbers. The purity
of primes. Testing their solitude,
their robustness, their
resistance to proof.
Walking them through the
nightmare of dreams. It was
seductive, addictive . . .
not only on the page
or the whiteboard
but also in the day-to-day.
My days throbbed with them.
I was lost to them. Then
I collided with Dear Luddy.
And I abandoned them.
Just like that. I stopped.
I stopped playing with them.
I stopped sleeping with them.
Nada. But they pursued me.
Their images pursued me,
haunted me. Infiltrating
my fibers. Cavorting
as they did. Yes, there
was a Wonderland of sorts,
but it was finite.
Then the lines began
rewriting themselves
and it was as if I was shoved
through a firewall
into an alternate reality.
The images squeezed
through . . . along with a solo
accordion. I filled my journal
with admonitions . . . not
bothering to correct
misspellings. I began
trafficking in consumables.
Packaged as in . . .
As You Like It. I held
the aces. Controlled the
scene. Flipped the roles.
But always far from the
madding crowd. My height
intimidated them. They loved
it! Especially after googling
wine lists. Always the same
sluggish words . . . blah
blah blah . . . as if . . .
as if . . . I never anticipated
having to count ceiling tiles.
I always made the most
of a (sometimes) pathetic
situation. Do the math. Run
the numbers. Pair the
primaries! Olly, olly, in-free!
Ready or not, I always came.